Posted on Nov 3, 2018
SPC Chris Hatley
OK so long story short i joined the army when i was 20. I always had issues running (just sucked at it). but always passed my PT test's. Then i deployed in 2012-2013 and gained a bunch of weight which affected how i ran and caused me to get a chapter 13 and a Honorable discharge for PT failure in 2015.

So my question is what are my chances of getting a waiver? (Currently have been busting my ass for a while running to and from the gym and have lost quite a bit of weight).

If i was to walk in and pass the pt test with a reasonable enough score say like 80 in each event would that help me? I will be talking to a recruiter on Monday. I just wanted to get a bit of info before hand. I do miss serving i was just young and dumb and didn't take it seriously enough.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 5
1SG Vet Technician
To be honest with you, there is a new PT test in the works and from what I have heard, it's going to me more difficult. The Run event will still be 2 miles, but it will follow 5 challenging tasks. If you had difficulty with the run before, things are not going to get any easier. I am not trying to discourage you, but to give you information to help you consider if you are going to be at the fitness level that is required
SPC Chris Hatley
SPC Chris Hatley
>1 y
thank you for the response SGT. i have seen what the preliminary test is going to be and you did not discourage me. you just made want to push more to get that fitness level.
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SPC Job Seeker
Does anyone know how long I have to wait to get back in. I got discharged under chapter 13, separation code JFT, reentry code 3, honorable discharge.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
The Army has changed and recruiting fluctuates based on available population. They will always enlist first a new recruit, then those who finished tours and are looking for re-entry, and lastly those who left early under honorable conditions. It is about timing when you go through the door. Thank you for your service.
SPC Chris Hatley
SPC Chris Hatley
>1 y
Thank you for the response CSM. Waiting gives me more time to get in better shape then i was in the first go through.
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