Posted on Jul 21, 2018
Amber Briscoe
How likely is it that a wavier would be approved for an re code of 3 for the airforce? I'm considered glossary non prior. I was in basic and a non cancerous tumor was found in my back that stopped me from being able to do PT because of the placement. I have had surgery and got it removed.
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1SG Vet Technician
You will need to talk to a recruiter. You will also need all medical records dealing with the procedure and post op prognosis.
Amber Briscoe
Amber Briscoe
>1 y
I have all the that stuff. I made sure I got all of it after my surgery. I also got the surgical preport and pathology report from them testing the tumor.
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Good. After the recruiter makes the determination that you are potentially eligible, they will very likely require a medical review and waiver. This can take weeks to months to accomplish. Keep at it and good luck.
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SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
Amber Briscoe I will tell you my tale, for it is ever so close be having a successful ending.

In April 2000, I was given a medical discharge for what was deemed migraine headaches. Longer story short, turns out they were just severe sinus headaches that have ceased. So I tried to get back in via the Guard. Tried 4 different recruiters, Army Guard & Air Guard. They all up and vanished like a fart in the wind at the first sign of difficulty. All this time, I continued to see a VA nurse, neurologist (including the Chief of Neurology, who used to be security forces before he went to med school), and collected novels of paperwork showing that the doc on Minot AFB stating I had migraines was full of crap (essentially - not the technical terms they
So, last year I find one bulldog of a recruiter at Whiteman. She made me her pet project. I have had to get a waiver just to go to MEPS to process for a waiver to re-enlist.
Currently, as we type, my recruiter has all the after MEPS waiver paperwork ready to rock and roll for re-enlistment. My MEPS waiver is sitting on the CMOs desk in St. Louis.

Determination and paperwork. Those will be your key. Be up front w/ EVERYTHING. The more you show you're willing to get back in and kick ass, the more your recruiter (if they're worth a damn) will work for you!!!
Amber Briscoe
Amber Briscoe
>1 y
Thank you!! I truly appreciate your response. I know it's going to be an uphill battle to find a recruiter that actually wants to put in the time and work.
COL Deputy G2
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
Unfortunately the majority of Guard recruiters turn away a the slightest hint of difficulty. That’s my experience- lazy or just plain incompetent. It happened when I tried to join the Guard from active duty, it happened when my daughter joined, it happened when my son tried to join, and when I referred others to join. It’s a mess. I’m sure some will be upset but working with over 10 recruiters in about five different state. I’m surprised anyone ever get in. For my daughter my wife and I finally had to call MEPS and talk to the doctors to do the recruiter’s job. Also, had to do other stuff that should have been done my them. Good luck, if you really want go get in you have to really push.
SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
COL (Join to see) - My ex-step-daughter had similar situation. She failed initial PT test in Navy. Came home, worked her butt off, then decided to go Air Force since the Navy recruiters up and disappeared. She got to MEPS, got her guaranteed slot, and was ready to ship out when they said they "found" a thyroid issue. 3 blood tests (clean) later, the recruiters, again, disappeared. She has, since, given up. She still wants to go into aeronautics (structural), so I'm pointing her towards Central Missouri, and any ROTC program they have.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Amber Briscoe Please let us know what you find out after talking to an Air Force Recruiter. Good luck.
Amber Briscoe
Amber Briscoe
>1 y
Will do Sgt.
Jon Ragland
Jon Ragland
>1 y
I looked into the Air Force. They won’t take anyone with a RE-3. The army is working with me however and i am close to getting my waiver.
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