Posted on Jul 16, 2024
Bethina Lee

I have a close friend of mine that went through hell most of his life...he has a severe case of PTSD, even watching his wife waste away from brain cancer, having numerous seizures, the regressing into a childlike person and into nothing when she died.

He has found his "Voice" and now has become, very, very outspoken..
gregarious..and more animated in deeds/thoughts/actions. But his heart &
Character still remains the same..he is still a "A Good Man"
Never the less, I have found myself
In the position of helping him bridge gaps with his parents, life long friends,
Etc..because he is done holding his tongue of his opinions, thoughts, and actions. I am not sure if this is a blessing in disguise because he has finally come to terms and killed his demons from the PTSD. Or is this a huge mistake in helping I'm being sarcastic. I said to him

"After 40 years of not stating your opinion and thoughts, being the "dark, quiet, & foreboding type", now you are finding your voice. They are going to think you are crazy..."

LMAO, I'm busy playing clean up and diplomacy, while reminding him at the same time, to slowly introduce his new persona to everyone.
Let's say I just finished a couple hour long conversation with a childhood friend of his..LOL and he is in disbelief.
What can you do? LOL, I'm sticking beside him and holding his hand in his new "Self Discovery" it's turning into a little bit of a headache. lmao
I apologize...venting here
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Responses: 4
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Edited 2 mo ago
If Ya Don't Speak-Up And Sometimes Raise All Manner Of Hell,
Nothing Gets Done. I'm Having That Experience With The VA Right Now.
Just Went So As I Just Called In The Inspector Generals Office, As My Primary's
(NOW FORMER) Just Being A Jerk ~ And Refuses To Provide The Medications And Medical Equipment
I Need To Help With My C.O.P.D. ...
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney looks like all those help with heart health & memory I would leave the aspirin out because 4 of those herbs are blood thinners...anti inflammatories as well.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
Bethina Lee -
So Far I'm Surviving Fairly Well..,
Not Exactly Sure Why, But She Said My "Heart's In Excellent Condition"
"BUT Then She Added:~ "RICK, You're Still One Of The STUPIDEST SOB'S
I've Ever Had As A Patient," ~ " BESIDES, Most Guys Of Your Age Are Already DEAD".
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney LMAO...the thing is when your stuck in that "Heighten Frame
Of Mind" it's hard to come out of, anyone and anything can be a source of danger. It could be a word, someone wearing something for communication, everything seems a "little fishy", unwinding from this state of mind is extremely hard, especially since you were trained & conditioned almost everyday of your life for 20+ years. It's not an overnight thing...I'm hoping that you will eventually find a doc or shrink (that actually knows what they are doing) that will prescribe you what you need. But here is an after-thought if you want to try this, my daughter Isabella had taken a Pharma DNA test to see what meds will and won't work with her chemistry. After they changed her meds she did not stop talking and communicating her wants and needs. I mean it was great and wonderful; but sometimes I'm thinking to myself "Where in the hell is the off button on this girl?" Don't love her any less..
But it's food for thought and Is their website.
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
2 mo
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SSG Michael Noll
I say good for him better, out than in IMHO Sister Bethina.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I subscribe to the habit of looking left, right, left, and right when I drive because sometimes my brain does not register oncoming traffic. Sometimes when we converse with people we should "look left and right" before we say something stupid.
Bethina Lee
Bethina Lee
2 mo
Unless your missing your brain to mouth filter like I's a bad trait sometimes lol
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