Posted on Oct 30, 2015
SGT Charles Bunch
Posted in these groups: Military civilian 600x338 Transition
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Responses: 20
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
SGT Charles Bunch
I think we all feel this way. Even with the presence of a strong family, it is still difficult at times. I find that it is also harder if you are located in a small town, where there is really not a lot of immediate support for Veterans. Just keep at it brother and if you ever need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! Sometimes, we are our best supporters.
SGT Charles Bunch
SGT Charles Bunch
9 y
Thanks. That really means alot
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PVT Robert Gresham
SGT Charles Bunch I believe that almost everyone does, in one way, or the other. There is nothing wrong, and for that matter nothing new, about feeling some apprehension when leaving a familiar job, and way of life, uprooting, and basically changing everything that you have become accustomed to on a daily basis.

People no longer automatically drop into a matching step when walking beside each other. You can get up and not worry about someone telling you how you are supposed to get up, how you are supposed to make your bed, how you are supposed to dress, and so forth. But at the same time there is a familiarity with all those things, that you may miss sometimes. You may even (and probably will) incorporate some of your Military habits into your civilian life.

You also have to find your own housing, your own job, your own doctor, and your own friends. So things WILL be kind of "upside down" for a while. But, just like joining the Military, you will get your footing and you will find your way. After a while you will think of the Military fondly, but not quite so often. But, don't be surprised if you still do a little "change step" once in a while, anyway. :-)
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CH (LTC) Robert Leroe
You have to have a strategy for returning to civilian life. Get involved with local veterans groups, and stay in touch with your battle buddies. Your military service will open doors the rest of your life. Hopefully you departed with good memories and no regrets. You'll miss it, but move on.
SGT Charles Bunch
SGT Charles Bunch
9 y
Thank you sir.
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