Posted on Mar 5, 2020
Does a field grade article 15 automatically give me a general discharge?
Does field grade article 15 automatically give me a general discharge? I am ETSing soon and have been worrying about what type of discharge I will get because my plan is to use my G.I. Bill and go back to school as soon as I get out. It’s my first article 15 and I was charged for dereliction of duty, lying to senior officer and falsifying official documents. Thank you!
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 26
Another Service Member concerned about punishment or type of discharge AFTER they have done something wrong, that in no way fits in with any of the Army Values. If only they would think of this stuff BEFORE you commit your acts, things would be so much better for everyone involved. IMO, you get whatever is coming your way. Talk to legal they may have some answers for you.
LTC (Join to see)
MSG (Join to see) - my last deployment we actually had a couple of E4-E5s threatened with article 15s because they didn't want to take leave. HHC commander put out a policy that all E5 and below had to take their 2 weeks R&R leave and these guys wanted to save it until we demobed. turned into one helluva mess and I was also threatened because I was "trying to undermine command authority" because I stood up for these soldiers. Actually had to get JAG involved and explain to our CoC that you cannot force anyone to take leave without a recommendation from a doctor or mental health professional. Which is what I had been trying to tell them all along.
MSG (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - Wow. I was lucky to have good leadership. We had some morons, but not to that level.
LTC (Join to see)
MSG (Join to see) - I learned a lot about what not to do from my leadership during the earlier part of my career. LOL
best bet is to talk to someone in legal. Since you are being allowed to ETS instead of being chaptered over your AR-15, I would not think that you would automatically get a general discharge. Though, I have to admit, based on your offenses I am slightly surprised that all you got was a FG article 15. I've seen people get court martialed for less. Consider yourself lucky and hope for the best on your discharge.
SGT Michael Van Geertruy
Once she contacts Legal, if she is getting an HD, she should ETS and leave it behind her. If it is anything less than an honorable, I can't imagine she'd be allowed to re-enlist. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
LTC (Join to see)
SGT Michael Van Geertruy - you never know. I've seen some pretty odd stuff in my 36 years.
SGT Michael Van Geertruy
Speculation is dangerous. She needs to go to legal for an assessment regardless of what she reads here.
LTC (Join to see)
SGT Michael Van Geertruy - bottom line is, unless you are getting chaptered out it is virtually impossible to get anything other than an honorable discharge. You really have to work at it.
Short answer is "no it doesn't downgrade your discharge"
Field grade is max reduction to E1, a months pay (1/2 for 2 months) 45 days extra duty and 45 days restriction.
Field grade is max reduction to E1, a months pay (1/2 for 2 months) 45 days extra duty and 45 days restriction.
SP5 James Johnson
Kinda fun response. I was CQ in Nam one night. Walking the wire to just check it out. It was a dark section and someone came out of the darkness. I dropped to one knee and pulled my .45. I said halt and be recognized. The respondent garbled something and I said halt or I shoot. Turns out to be my CO, drunk as a skunk. He got in my face screaming at me about drawing down on him.
Next day I'm called to the CO's office. He's almost having a heart attack he's so angry. He says he's going to give me a field grade 15. He wanted to bust me and send me to LBJ (Long Binh Jail). But it turns out that since I'm a Sp-5 he needs to go to battalion. Well he doesn't want to go there as he'd have to explain what gives. So I get a company grade 15. Somehow the papers never made it to finance so I never paid the fine. My best bud was the company clerk. I did fill sandbags for a few days but that was all. Our CO was a drunk lite colonel. No one liked the guy and he got passive shit from everyone.
Next day I'm called to the CO's office. He's almost having a heart attack he's so angry. He says he's going to give me a field grade 15. He wanted to bust me and send me to LBJ (Long Binh Jail). But it turns out that since I'm a Sp-5 he needs to go to battalion. Well he doesn't want to go there as he'd have to explain what gives. So I get a company grade 15. Somehow the papers never made it to finance so I never paid the fine. My best bud was the company clerk. I did fill sandbags for a few days but that was all. Our CO was a drunk lite colonel. No one liked the guy and he got passive shit from everyone.
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