Posted on Jul 19, 2023
SGT Joshua Powell
Will the issues facing the military in recruitment goals effect how they treat prior service applications? For the record I am not rated in disability and have been out since Oct 2015, so I no longer am in IRR. However with the struggles in recruitment and changes to recalling IRR soldiers, will the military be looking at pulling from veterans without ratings?
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
If you're referring to pulling Veterans without disability ratings that are still in IRR, then yea they face being recalled. If you're referring to Vets without ratings no longer in IRR, then they won't be recalled. When an IRR person is recalled, they still have to go thru processing to see if they're fit enough to serve. This may not even affect prior service coming back in that have to process thru MEPS. Could be the IRR are ordered to report to the nearest base of their branch for processing. The IRR are being recalled for a specific mission. It's not like they're willingly wanting to come back.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
>1 y
Absolutely. "Recalling" veterans that are no longer in the IRR (and thus discharged completely from the military) is called the Draft.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
COL Randall C. - Sir, I know all you Youngsters aren't old enough to be around for the draft, but the Draft only effected non-prior service men with a full MSO. It would take some re-writing of the law to make it included Vets with no MSO left.
Now those of us that have/had that indefinite on our ID's, they don't need to draft us.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - You are correct. If you are a veteran and have completed your MSO then you will be exempt from the draft.
Capt Charles Marks
Capt Charles Marks
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - You are correct on the ID point as well, but I don't think the "Indef" on the card means what it once may have. Since those IDs are not CAC cards and the current base entrance system relies on ID scanning, if you have been out of the IRR long enough (completed MSO) your ID will show up as terminated and you will be denied base access. Basically, the only thing those IDs are good for is a discount at Home Depot, and I believe (naive though it probably is) that it also means that we have been removed from the "when China invades via California" list as well.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
Edited >1 y ago
SGT Joshua Powell

Apparently the executive order allows the Defense Department to mobilize troops from the Select Reserve and the Individual Ready Reserve for operations in Europe. The order is an administrative action, and no one has been tasked to deploy yet. Also the executive order places caps on the types of reserve component forces that could deploy to Europe if needed: Up to 3,000 troops, of which no more than 450 can come from the Individual Ready Reserve.

Ignore all the panic you see on social media, it just means those are the parameters which DoD can use.

Also from what I have read is most of those positions would be contracting, military police, dental support, human resources and finance.

So to answer your question: I don’t believe it would effect prior service enlistments. Especially with the shortage all branches are facing.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
>1 y
I am pretty sure it is an invite.
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
Recalling from the IRR only pulls people who are currently in the IRR. When they recall folks they get screened and get a MEPS style physical to validate if they are healthy enough to go back into service. Not everyone who gets the recall notice gets back into uniform because the physical finds a bunch of stuff they blew out when they were in. Or they have mental health stuff going on.
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