Posted on Jun 17, 2019
Does anyone have experience doing 12B OSUT as a prior service E5?
I am leaving tomorrow for 12b OSUT, I am a prior service Marine going in as an E5. My contract says 14 weeks at FLW but I've heard that I will only attend the AIT portion. My question is does anyone have an experience going in as an NCO and if I will attend all of basic again or just the AIT portion. I have asked my recruiter and he doesn't really give me a straight answer , does anyone have experience in the recent past in a similar situation?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Hey man I’m about to follow about the same route, E5 transferring to Active from the IRR and switching to a 12 B. What was your experience with everything?
Were you a combat engineer in the Marines? I'm making the switch as well. I spent 11 years as an 0311 and looking to become a 12B. Just curious to see if you reclassed or stuck with the same MOS.
How long was your break in service? If it was more than 3 years, they used to require Prior Service Army and Marines to go to a 4 week Warrior Transition Course, but my understanding is that is no longer being offered. If that's the case, they will drop you in from the beginning. I'll try to find some current guidance, but that isn't as easy since I haven't been active or active reserve in a long time.
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