Posted on Jul 30, 2014
Use of reserve component and drawdown of active component.
With the use of the reserve components more in deployments. Do you believe DOD is relying to much on the reserves while sacrificing the active side in the draw down. With governors not wanting any reductions in their Guard components it looks like the active side will suffer more. Do you think we have a good balance of active and reserve?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
This was bound to happen sooner or later when the Army moved the bulk of CS and CSS to the Reserves. You can't go to war without your support elements. And if they are all in the Reserves, you have to activate them....
MSgt (Join to see)
LTC Paul Labrador Sir hopefully it doesn't affect our overall readiness of our active forces to respond to any crisis. Although I believe today's reserve forces are much better trained and prepared for any situations.
LTC Paul Labrador
After 10yrs of war, our Reserves are at the height of their combat prowess. The problem is will they stay that way...?
I believe that we will see more of the reserve/guard being used for everyday operations in the future. 6 month tours being very common.
MSgt (Join to see)
MSgt Keith Hebert I agree the idea of just a weekend a month and two weeks a year are over. Our reserve component have become very important to the total force concept.
MSgt Keith Hebert
Very true. the future I see is that if your mos(air traffic, mp, supply, ect) you will have the opportunity to spend at least 4-6 months every year on title 10 orders back filling
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