So I've been on orders for a few months now.However, I've had to delete orders because the EFMP request that was submitted was denied. Talking with branch now on where I can go next. So my question is, is the EFMP request based on the installation and their ability to support it, or is the general area included because I know for a fact that there are civilian services that offer what I need
Posted in these groups: PCS Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Posted >1 y ago
It considers what care is avaliable within a certain radius of what ever installation you may be assigned to, as well as what is specified in the needed medical services, the frequency of care and if the specific specialty doctor is in the area. Bottom line, if the cars specified in the paperwork can not be supported, then the care is unavailable.
Posted >1 y ago
SGT Eashman, I came from Schofield Barracks to Fort Bliss. I have a son who has an immune deficiency. It affected him greatly when he was young, but at age 11, he has had no issues. When I called branch for assignments, while at Schofield, I was given 5 options. 3 installations denied me. I was told that if they do not have a military hospital with the particular specialist, immunologist for us, they would not accept you. We will be stuck going to only Major Posts while he is enrolled in EFMP.
Posted >1 y ago
I'm actually in the same boat, I got orders to fort wainwright, when I did the whole clearing thing from Fort hood it took so long to process everything that by the time efmp got denied I had already given up my house, house hold goods were gone and everything, then all of a sudden efmp was denied because my son sees a podiatrist. What I was told was thier is no podiatrist in the fairbanks areas. When I got here and got an apartment it turned out my land lord is a podiatrist and there's a lot of them here..so now I'm in the process of reapplying for command sponsorship and getting it overturned.
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