Posted on Oct 1, 2016
COL Lee Flemming
Blind wanting to lead...not buying it! Let him in the debate!!!
Posted in these groups: 61b2a5bb Gary JohnsonElection 2016 button Election 2016
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Responses: 20
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
As much as the idea of additional parties appeals to me, the 3rd parties have to put up someone better than this. That's a hot sports opinion considering who the two major parties are offering but Gary Johnson primary qualification is that he's not a R or a D.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
CPT T F - Go to Germany, drop a Hitler reference on the crowd there. Watch the reaction. It's not inappropriate to discuss politics or fashion in an open forum that you choose to participate in. It is inappropriate and even the wrong word to compare a socialist party leader guilty of genocide to any american political leader. If you can't grasp that then you probably shouldn't discuss politics or fashion in an open forum.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
CPT T F - My young friend, your SA is poor. If a reference is poor, it's poor even if you like to use it.
If AD officers are apolitical, then why are you posting? this particular conversation was very benign until you intentionally joined the conversation.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
CPT T F - On a conversation thread about why third party politicians are not serious enough, you claim that you'd vote for him except you're not... My premise is that Johnson is not a serious contender and by your own admission, you won't vote for him either.

I don't need to lighten up; I flatly reject the idea that a "fairly tongue in cheek" comparison of a person responsible for 6million deaths is acceptable hyperbole simply because you find him to be "unsettling".
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
CPT (Anonymous) - first of all, thanks for your and CPT Ts service. To clarify, (because you mentioned this a couple of times) I never said that you had to like Trump's talk, or him for that matter. American politics have a very nasty vibe and usually the democrats tell us that the people need to tone down their rhetoric. Hitler was first and foremost a socialist. There is only one party that trends towards socialism in this country. I'm don't like being forced to defend Trump, he's was not my first choice of candidates but his stance on illegal immigration is supposed by current law. He didn't change the law to suit his purposes which is something that a dictator does.
I don't agree with calling any american politician a mass murderer because you don't like the things he/she says. I'm not alone on this opinion and this does not diminish your families suffering. This particular conversation was turned towards, "trump is hitler" from "Gary Johnson is a lousy candidate". This is too much vitriol for me and it is a poor comparison IMO. You don't have to like my opinion but then again you and CPT T took this conversation in a direction that I never would have. If you'd like to start a conversation about language and comparisons in american politics, may I suggest starting a new question topic? If you do, please cite a more respected opinion rag than HuffPo. That turns off at least half of the audience immediately.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
1) That wasn't the question that was asked.

2) That isn't a Presidential qualification.

3) Let's play a "Comparative Analysis Game" aka "You point out his gaffs, and I'll point out 10-100 of the other candidates'"


4) 2 term REPUBLICAN Governor WITH another 2 term REPUBLICAN Governor Running Mate, BOTH in states with DEMOCRAT ran Legislatures. You want "bi-partisanship;" these two have an actual track record of it.

5) Honesty. When he makes a mistake, whether it is a flub, gaff, or whatever, he has no mistake admitting it PUBLICLY. Can the same be said about either other candidates? As a community who values INTEGRITY (usually above all else), shouldn't this be one of our number 1 voting criteria? As the old saying goes "If you don't have integrity, you don't have anything." Can the same be said about the current R or D candidates?

6) As you said, let him debate. It's not about whether he wins or loses. It's about whether he is allowed to present the third message. MOST new voters do not identify as R/D. We have become disenfranchised THROUGH the system. The system is failing us. That is wrong and it needs to be fixed because we have no voice. Ms. Clinton and Mr. Trump do not speak for the majority of Americans.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
8 y
Nice...I am glad you can rationalize it. Aleppo?
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
8 y
COL Lee Flemming - When I first heard about the aleppo incident (second hand), I was wondering why they were talking about spices. It's contextual information. Aleppo as a WORD without context doesn't mean a lot. I cook, so I thought of the spice first, and I'm an intel analyst.

But, keep in mind the Libertarian Party leans non-expansionist as a general rule, and Gov. Johnson freely admits foreign policy is one of his weakest areas. A leader is not going to be 100% in every area. As a commander yourself, you know you have a staff for a reason. You hire the right people to advise you in areas outside your area of expertise.

That said, Aleppo is a MINOR issue compared to everything we have going on with the D & R side.
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SGT David Baker
Qualifications are, natural born citizen over 35. The rest is politics.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
8 y
TSgt Senior Cyberwarfare Capabilities Instructor/Integrator
TSgt (Join to see)
8 y
and "fourteen years a Resident within the United States"
SGT David Baker
SGT David Baker
8 y
TSgt (Join to see) - I stand, not so much corrected, as-- "augmented" maybe?
TSgt Senior Cyberwarfare Capabilities Instructor/Integrator
TSgt (Join to see)
8 y
SGT David Baker - Augmented, it is.

Not a dig, but we have a rather large number of Brothers and Sisters at Arms who have not read the Document we have sworn to "Support and Defend." As professional warriors, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard and at least make an honest attempt to understand what our Oath means and what that Document contains.

Each of us must also take time to learn about our founding and the men who forfeited all they had and were to start this Great Experiment we call the United States.
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