Posted on Dec 16, 2020
Roger Smith
i've heard plenty of times that marines cant pick their mos and I want to join but I dont want a job that I wont enjoy so that is what is making me lean more towards the Army
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Responses: 66
SSgt Canvassing Recruiter
I am a recruiter right now. The Marines do not promise a specific MOS but a program, you will go to boot camp knowing what job you’re going to do I.E. Aircraft Mechanic, Infantryman, Admin Marine, however you won’t be told you will be 0311 infantry rifleman.
SSgt Canvassing Recruiter
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
SPC Curtis Cobb not at all man, it’s pretty straight forward. I can explain it to you if you’d like just DM me
Capt Drew Martinolich
Capt Drew Martinolich
4 y
From a Marine Officer perspective - you compete for your MOS against your fellow Lieutenants at The Basic School (TBS)... at the very start of TBS you rank in priority order all the officer MOS's available.... and based on your class ranking broken down in 1/3rds .... you will get placed in an MOS somewhere at the top of the list... for example i got my number 2 on my TBS list (0602) ... my number 1 was SigInt but there was only 4 slots available - and i fell at the top of the 2nd third within my class at TBS and JUSSSST missed it... Pilots have a better chance of knowing what MOS they will be... but even then, if they fail out of MOS school they get farmed out to any other available MOS
PO2 Steve Miller
PO2 Steve Miller
4 y
SFC Joe McCausland - Nice. You're talking about Army recruitment and the Question was Marine recruitment. I like what Sgt had to say, way better than yours...sorry.
Henry Gleason
Henry Gleason
4 y
Alright Army has "TIME OUT- I QUIT" if you don't get by our way. What a way to run a military force.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Couldn't tell you about today. We had bonus babies, and guaranteed options when I recruited 84-87. One guaranteed SOI, and then watch at a Marine Barracks guarding, whatever. If you haven't talked to a USMC recruiter you're wasting time. They have the straight scoop. If you are highly qualified you might fare well. I put many in the USMC Solar Program - not same as USN Nuclear - amounted to any job under the Sun. It was jokingly referred to as MEOP (multi enlistment option program). Only guarantee was a trip to Parris Island. Open contract. If you're concerned about your leanings, you probably wouldn't survive at MCRD besides. I could rough a package up in minutes, but am not authorized. Would you like to ship this month or next?
Angel McCormick
Angel McCormick
4 y
Because it's "fun" to mislead the kids that come after...very admirable.
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
Cpl Lawrence Lavictoire
4 y
The comments are amazing. The Marines have really changed since I was in.
You joined up to do a job an what ever that job was, you did the best that you could, period. You didn't whimper or complain. You followed orders.
Times have changed us, an not for the better.
SSgt Brad Becker
SSgt Brad Becker
4 y
I ran into my recruiter12 years later after I had been a Recruiter at my Kids Soccer Game. I told him he was a lying piece of shit. We all had a big laugh over it at my expense. He knew he was Lying and he just wanted to make quota. As a recruiter I tried not to Lie, but when you getting beat up by the Brass at the end of the Month dam hard to do. Even if you made your Quota some one else hasn't they need you to fill the hole.
GySgt Kenneth Pepper
GySgt Kenneth Pepper
4 y
SSgt Brad Becker - Recruiting duty sucked like none other has sucked before.
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GySgt Gary Cordeiro
Being a Marine is the primary MOS.
GySgt Gary Cordeiro
GySgt Gary Cordeiro
4 y
If you do choose to be a Marine, go Recon. Find the biggest challenge you can find.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
4 y
RECON! 0321 Oohrah Gunny! I thought about recon but I was not a good enough swimmer. 290+ pft's were easy for me but the water part. Not my cup of tea!
GySgt Gary Cordeiro
GySgt Gary Cordeiro
4 y
I should have and I regret it still today.
GySgt Gary Cordeiro
GySgt Gary Cordeiro
4 y
I was #1 in PT leaving boot camp, #2 went Recon.
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