Posted on Mar 22, 2024
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Welcome, "One and All", to the R.E.D. Friday, March 22, 2024, edition of the “Colonel’s” VFV Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day and Week!

“Think positive, be positive, and hang out with positive people — make your life and every day count." — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

You'll never get this day back, so make it count! - Today's Message is: "COUNT DAY!" Why Not?

Let’s “Remember Everyone Deployed” today and every day until they return home safely once again!

Good “R.E.D. Friday!” Morning “Band of Brothers & Sisters,” and all great connections. Welcome to the end of the week from the “Colonel’s Foxhole” in Conroe, TX — 22 March 2024!

“Great leaders make every day count. They have their finger on the pulse of the organization and the people. Leaders make it count by learning continually and focusing in the present. Make your Leadership count!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:

“Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.” — Rishika Jain

“People who do things that count, don’t usually stop to count them.” — Unknown Author

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” — Muhammad Ali

“When you count your blessings, you realize you’re actually doing fine. Some wish blessings, others pray for them. Some send blessings and they become one.” — Joyce C. Lock

“Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.” — Seneca

“Count your many blessings. Name them one by one.” — Unknown Author

“Embrace your life, count your blessings, and don’t complain about what you don’t have..” — Joyce Meyer

Providing Peer-to-Peer Support Nationwide for those with Invisible Wounds!

Join your host Volunteer, Army Veteran, Writer, Peer Support Specialist, and Author Kim Gwimmer every Friday evening for the women only "The Front Porch!" edition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, sponsored and presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. Where all types of Warriors get together for genuine camaraderie, different topics, friendship, and supportive discussions.

Invite a friend, tell a friend, and get connected and get involved with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, and Caregivers every Friday Night!

Every Friday Evening Women Only: "The Front Porch!"

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online Women's only “The Front Porch!” Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) — Every Friday Evening starting at 3:30 PM PT, 4:30 PM MT, 5:30 PM CT, and 6:30 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting: [login to see] 7

Drop in every Monday Morning for “Cup O' Joe" with Volunteer and Army Veteran Derrick Iozzio as part of Warriors for Life (WFL) Online, Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. VFV! Check out the times below and how to connect through Zoom!

Warriors for Life (WFL) Online "Cup O' Joe" Presented by Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV) – Every Monday Morning starting at 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM MT, 8:00 AM CT, and 9:00 AM ET

Join Zoom Meeting: [login to see] 4

Be a Survivor, Reach Out, & Join Warriors for Life (WFL) Online:

“The meaning runs deep for those men and women who’ve served this country: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life’!" — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Check out all of the BLOGS & what’s happening with Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV):

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Edited 6 mo ago
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Responses: 5
Maj Robert Thornton
Good RED Friday Sgt (Join to see).
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Edited 6 mo ago
Good morning Col Burroughs and all of my brothers and sisters here on RP. If we don’t have God in our lives, I know that we can count on a horrible eternity. Have a blessed day today and always.

Taken from:

Making Each Day Count

Making the Most of Your Time and Choices

Joyce Meyer

3 min read

Are you good at setting goals? How about reaching them? I am usually a very goal-oriented person, so I tend to stay on track in this area. But in the past year, I found myself looking at the piles of things I needed and wanted to do, becoming so double-minded about what to do first that I often ended up getting little or nothing done at all!

I’d start my day with a plan and then get to the end of it feeling frustrated and even a bit angry with myself. It was so frustrating! I felt like life was ordering me around rather than me ordering my life, and I knew something was wrong.

As I prayed about it, God began showing me the importance of living life on purpose. I started listening to people around me, and learned that a large percentage of us live day in and day out without accomplishing much of what we truly intend to. We’re busy, just not with the right stuff.

How about you? Are you steadily becoming the person you want to be? Are you accomplishing the things you want to accomplish in life? Are you an “on-purpose” person, or are you mostly waiting to see where life takes you?

Live on Purpose

Ephesians 5:15-17 pretty much says it all, and it is one of my favorite passages of Scripture:

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

This passage teaches us to:

Be careful about our time and choices.

Be an “on-purpose” person.

Live a life worth living.

Really think about what we are choosing to do and make wise decisions.

Make the most of our time.

Don’t let opportunities pass us by.

Don’t be passive, vague, thoughtless and foolish.

Know the will of God and grasp it firmly.

To be “on-purpose” Christians, we must train ourselves to go through a thinking process each day so that we can channel our time into things that will bear good fruit. Each day God gives us is a present, and that’s why it is called the “present.” We need to unwrap that gift carefully, cherish it, and invest into it something we will be proud of later in life.

Start Your Day Right

The only way to get your day started right is to start with God. I try to always start my day talking with God—asking for His help and guidance in all I do, submitting the day to Him, and spending time in His Word.

David said in Psalm 5:3, In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will prepare [a prayer and a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].

When we go to God first, before rushing into the “doing” part of our day, it is like saying, Apart from You I can do nothing (see John 15:5).

Plan Your Time

Take some time to plan your day. Look at the week, the month and the year ahead, and consider what you’d like to accomplish, where you need to be and what you have to do to get there.

It’s so important to really know where your times goes. Not every moment of our lives has to fit into a plan, but we will enjoy our lives more if we know that our time is spent on things with purpose and meaning.

The truth is, “life” doesn’t just turn out to be one way or another without any input from us. God has made His Word available to help us make choices that will produce a life we can be proud of and enjoy. So get out there and enjoy it!
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PO2 Builder
Good R.E.D Friday COL Mikel J. Burroughs and Sgt (Join to see). Make every day count. You'll be glad you did. Give a Blessing to everyone.
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