Currently a 74D and I really don't like being CBRN as it doe not relate to my civilian career at all now. Wanting to reclass to a 68J ( Medical Logistics ) but there aren't any available slots for me in LITTLE ROCK or surrounding areas any suggestions on what to do ? or is this just a waiting game I have to play while being a reservist ?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 9
68 J is an over strength mos . I wouldn’t recommend it. I am one now currently it’s hard to progress for one and two there aren’t many options for reenlistment
As others have said don’t do it. I’m a j now and primor potential doesn’t go past 6 or 7. The MOS is so full they were for a while forcing reclass to active duty and started for reservists. Honestly I would recommend 68a it’s a long school but in the civilian side it’s very lucrative.
If you are a Reservist, you can be reimbursed up to $500 for travel to and from BA each month. If you find a unit where that wouldn't be you inconvenient, go for it. There's also IMA units, which group their IDT together so you're only travelling a few times a year. The other iron is WIAS which are similar to IMA and because they're relatively new they need personnel.
When a slot opens up locally, you'll already be trained, you can transfer back.
When a slot opens up locally, you'll already be trained, you can transfer back.
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