Social justice warriors are at it again. They are complaining that the casting of a white actor in the upcoming Netflix series "Iron Fist" is racist, even though the character in the comics was written as white. Do they have a point, or is this just another case of PC run amok?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 23
Choosing a different ethnicity to rebrand an established character is in and of itself microaggresive racism. Diversity simply for the sake of diversity is racist by today's liberal standard.
There are even those on the left that would suggest you are racist simply for seeking out foods outside your own ethnicity.
“I think it’s so stupid… because of this whole, like, ‘minorities in Hollywood’ thing… it’s so stupid, it’s, like, stop stealing all the white people’s superheroes. Make up your own, you know what I’m saying? What’s up with that?” - Michelle Rodriguez
There are even those on the left that would suggest you are racist simply for seeking out foods outside your own ethnicity.
“I think it’s so stupid… because of this whole, like, ‘minorities in Hollywood’ thing… it’s so stupid, it’s, like, stop stealing all the white people’s superheroes. Make up your own, you know what I’m saying? What’s up with that?” - Michelle Rodriguez

The Left: Stop Eating 'Authentic' 'Ethnic' Food, You Racist!
Cancel your dinner plans at that new Mexican restaurant down the street for Friday’s date night; since according feminists: eating “authentic” “ethnic” food is “culturally appropriative” and exploitative.
Cpl Justin Goolsby
I loved when Michelle Rodriguez said that and I was so pissed when liberals forced her to apologize for it.
Cpl (Join to see)
I agree, Capt (Join to see), I'm just throwing back into the liberal court. They like saying we are microaggressively racist, but really it's them who are obsessed with race.
MSgt James Mullis
I believe the politically correct term is "Racial Appropriation". Unfortunately the SJW's don't understand the difference between Regional, National, Ethnic, and Race.
Hey, wait a minute, I'm a Norwegian-American. If I can't eat other ethnic and regional foods, do you know what that leaves me with? Pølse,Fårikål, Smalahove, Lefse and Lutefisk. Uggggh!
If you don't know, to make really good Smalahove, you must first remove the sheeps head (whole), then you torch the skin and fleece, then it is dried to enhance the flavors, then smoked, and finally boiled before being served.
Hey, wait a minute, I'm a Norwegian-American. If I can't eat other ethnic and regional foods, do you know what that leaves me with? Pølse,Fårikål, Smalahove, Lefse and Lutefisk. Uggggh!
If you don't know, to make really good Smalahove, you must first remove the sheeps head (whole), then you torch the skin and fleece, then it is dried to enhance the flavors, then smoked, and finally boiled before being served.
PO1 Joseph Glennon
Capt (Join to see) - The word "racist" never had a meaning. It was coined to express anti-white sentiment in the first place.
I can't believe they chose a white actor to play a masked character. Anyone should be able to play that masked character. How is anyone going to know they aren't white... except for the jawline... the exposed chest... the hands... the legs...
Yes this is indeed PC run amok. My biggest issue is the sudden need to retcon all these established characters in the name of diversity. Why can't we invent brand new heroes or brand new villains or brand new characters period. Let them pass or fail on their own merits, not because they're riding the coattails of someone else's success. There are literally so many characters with similar abilities/powers, no one is going to notice is just one more were created. No one is going to throw a fit that "there's too many rubber men" because we introduce an Asian character with super stretchy powers.
Hell, half of the fun of comics is imagining what you would be like if you had these powers. No kid has read an issue of X-Men an gotten depressed because NightCrawler's skin isn't white. No, their thoughts are... wow... I wish I could teleport.
Yes... we need more characters... and if you are the type of person to complain about diversity in a comicbook, then why aren't you doing anything to fix that? Where are your character creations??? You could go to any elementary school and ask kids to make up a superhero or villain. What their powers are. What their weaknesses are. What their costume looks like. You'd get a dozen different responses, all different colors, different religions, different sexualities. It's not hard to think outside the box. Retconning established characters to fill a diversity checklist isn't thinking outside the box.
Yes this is indeed PC run amok. My biggest issue is the sudden need to retcon all these established characters in the name of diversity. Why can't we invent brand new heroes or brand new villains or brand new characters period. Let them pass or fail on their own merits, not because they're riding the coattails of someone else's success. There are literally so many characters with similar abilities/powers, no one is going to notice is just one more were created. No one is going to throw a fit that "there's too many rubber men" because we introduce an Asian character with super stretchy powers.
Hell, half of the fun of comics is imagining what you would be like if you had these powers. No kid has read an issue of X-Men an gotten depressed because NightCrawler's skin isn't white. No, their thoughts are... wow... I wish I could teleport.
Yes... we need more characters... and if you are the type of person to complain about diversity in a comicbook, then why aren't you doing anything to fix that? Where are your character creations??? You could go to any elementary school and ask kids to make up a superhero or villain. What their powers are. What their weaknesses are. What their costume looks like. You'd get a dozen different responses, all different colors, different religions, different sexualities. It's not hard to think outside the box. Retconning established characters to fill a diversity checklist isn't thinking outside the box.
Candy Alkaabi
Growing up i saw all kinds of ethnicities used for the heros and yet, they want to complain that a character that i swhite in the book is white on the screen, ehem green lantern is one of the most famous characters but they dont give him the credit due to him. Oh and btw most of the villains are white in the comics... are they gonna complain about that?
Cpl Justin Goolsby
See I'm with you. I grew up with a multitude of different backgrounds in my comics. I didn't question it, I just saw it as part of their background. So now when I see people changing their backgrounds I find it upsetting because it's literally changing who these characters are. It'd be like saying Bruce Wayne's family can't take that shortcut down the alley because it might offend orphans. If you don't like a comic character, no one will force you to read them. I gravitated around so many different characters growing up. I liked the ones with powers because they were cool. I liked the ones without powers because they were more realistic. These are stories that kids get emotionally invested in and changing the characters steals that emotional investment from the children.
It really isn't difficult to invent your own ideas. Invent your own origin stories. Find your own collection of villains. Most people who complain though seem to want to just take the easy way out and change things to suit their desires without thinking of the vast numbers of people who are also emotionally attached to that character.
It really isn't difficult to invent your own ideas. Invent your own origin stories. Find your own collection of villains. Most people who complain though seem to want to just take the easy way out and change things to suit their desires without thinking of the vast numbers of people who are also emotionally attached to that character.
If the character in the book is white then why are they upset that the character in the series is white.....are they out of their ever lovin minds? there are plenty of non white heros but they don't look at them.
Cpl (Join to see)
Luke Cage views pretty well on netflix. It was a pretty good series. Aurora, of X-Men fame, was written into the comics without alteration and she is pretty will regarded herself. There are plenty of established comic book heroes that can represent. Why alter the story alienating the very people who made the comic books themselves national best sellers?
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