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Responses: 2
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Trumps economic plan will destroy the economy. Tariffs never work and if you are a self proclaimed Capitalist then Free Trade is the only path you have. If you plan on voting for Trump and can't wait to see him as President I highly recommend that you begin stockpiling food especially freeze dried fruit and vegetables as most of those that you eat are imported.

You can expect beef to jump an easy 25% given the amount we import and we are not taking into account the inflation that is going to arise due to his Tariff plans. . You can also expect other nations to add tariffs to all products we import from overseas in retaliation of our leveling tariffs on their goods.

Given Trumps reluctance to support our treaty obligations you can expect our military's budget to shrink .
A few things you should be aware of:
Your Medicare is on the line.
Your Social Security is on the line.
Your retirement pay is on the line.
Your VA disability pay is on the line.
Your healthcare is on the line.
Your mortgage is on the line.

For those of us who support the 2nd Amendment you can goodby to that right to own a gun. Of course many will disagree but let me point this out to you. He has said he wanted to be a dictator. He has been shot at. Now in what world would a wannabe dictator who manages to get into the highest office of this land is going to allow guns in the hands of citizens. After all someone has already taken a shot at him and you do not think that will drive his decision.

A devaluation of the Dollar means everything you buy will cost more. It can also lead to the US dollar losing its reserve currency status and that means your costs for everything goes up. And you think things are expensive now? I can promise you will think that these were the good old days if Trump get elected. You of course will not own up to voting for him.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu I think I've Heard this "Song" Before!
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