Posted on Apr 3, 2015
SSG Leonard Johnson
Retirees, medical officers, what do y'all think of medical marijuana? Would like your honest opinion. I just retired in December so I'm about 120 days postretirement.
I've just done it for the first time ever. I've done both the stood TiVo, and the Indica brands of medical marijuana. I have some interesting opinions on it. I would like to get your opinions on it. And I would like to get some of the VA's opinion along with the active duty also.
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Responses: 2
CSM Richard Welsch
I’m not a marijuana smoker never was.However,a battle of mine in Cali had me try his VAP,It was Indica about three years ago and I was not high it only had 20% THC in it.Im currently on 6 MG of Xanax 20MG of Prazosin,60MG Vibrid & 100 MG of Seroquel. I don’t take the Xanax my GABA receptors will turn into mush in 20 years if I took a dose daily.The Prazosin is another one I don’t take because it makes my nite tremors worse.Once I tell them this all they say is up the dose by 5MG.I think to myself with the amount of Meds I’m getting their trying to off me and don’t care what I’m prescribed because I am 100% disabled TBI/PTSD.I don’t know about any of you but in Illinois about 3 months ago they started to drug test us and the nite before is when I take Meds.I know for what I have Their is no wonder pill or cure that will ever help me but I’m working around it and some days are much harder then others.I don’t beleave in Group therapy because it’s a bunch of people that enjoy talking about their experiences but I’m the opposite and just suck it up keep to myself.ISome of you might think I’m wrong for saying this but I see all the medications going to group as a weakness.With all the blood work that has to be done because of the medication can make a healthy heart bad and with the Xanax I Forget in repeat myself enough I can only imagine 20 years from now if I was on what they give me.Moving forwared, I seen the Dr for medical marijuana and told the truth that I tried it and I stopped smoking for some reason and he said in my case that’s normal because of I’m always thinking adhead and yes their are times it’s so bad I will become depressed for a week or two and do nothing..The part I don’t understand is the VA is 90% Against medical marijuana and I’m starting to thinkthe only reason for this is due to all the physicians and healthcare our worried since it has proven medical marijuana works for so many issues that the days of weighting prescriptions will drop immensely. I had to see a regular GP show proof of my background and this doctor spent one hour with me and he’s a family Doctor and really analyzed the things I said to him and actually gave me constructive criticism about my life that I never thought of and my psychiatrist never once seen or said what he did to me and he really made me rethink and open my eyes to stuff I never seen or noticed.For an example, I have a service dog for PTSD and his name is Battle.I have a detail company under my sisters name and it’s called C4 Auto Detailing Inc. I did not realize I’m reliving the past and never looked at things from that perspective.

As of now all I’m waiting on is my medical card from Springfield and my goal is to not take antidepressants or anything else because it’s not working.I was on Prozac for 3 years I started to get depressed and the VA Doctor said because I have TBI medications will eventually stop working and this is a SSRI and just took me off it cold turkey with no replacement because I had to do a DNA test and I had brain zaps from the with drawl that was so bad I can’t even explain.So I don’t know who or what scientist came up with that idea about EVA and medications but it’s not true because if it was I would not of went through such hell when they took me off the antidepressant for three months.Im shocked I’m still here things got so bad I’d numb the pain by drinking and I’m not a drinker but it did the job.

I’m going to give this medical marijuana a try but I can’t be high or not alert or I will panic.From what I have read about it Their are two main types.Theirs one that you can function on drive and be alert because their only 20% THC.It helps with all my symptoms I have and the best part is you can eat it and not smoke it because they make candy all types of edibles.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me good or bad or any thoughts on what works best if you have systems like mine and did it help at all?

I did ask the new Doctor if the VA could find out and if so can I lose my SSI or get in trouble if I don’t notify them.He said because in my case I will be legal the Hippa act protects me and it’s nothing different then another doctor prescribing an RX for any other issue.But when I do get my blood work I must notify them and for some reason I’n Illinois they frown on it.In California you can get your medical card within 20 minutes, in Illinois,after seeing the DR getting a passport picture get finger printed fill out a stack of forums when it’s all mailed it could take three months to get your medical card..

I could of done this three years ago but since all they do is up my medication and if I took it I’d be a zombi 24/7 and 40LBS overweight..

Thank you all for reading this and any advice you can give me positive or negative would greatly appreciate it.

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