Posted on Jun 28, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Fear. It can make you do a lot of things. I am afraid of many things. Two of the most feared things in my life were (and still are): Heights, and Flying. I am afraid on a footstool, and a ladder...well, cross me off. Flying in a small plane, well, any plane really, and I was a white knuckle, scared out of my mind blubbering wreck.

Then one day I was in a Commercial aircraft that did a cartwheel at 30,000 feet and somehow miraculously recovered at 18,000 feet. Twenty some passengers got injured, and the plane was bent. Two Fighter jets escorted us to the nearest airport. I told my seat mate it was pretty cool to have a Fighter escort. He, like me, was still white as a sheet. With wide eyes he looked at me like I was completely out of touch:
"Escort! ESCORT! You idiot, there are here to spot the crash site when we go down!"
The Plane was an L10-11 and apparently you can accidentally extend the front slats at altitude. Five other planes had done it, and every one of them crashed.
We were hustled to a closed wing of the Airport and the National News interviewed me. And that was fun to watch, as I was speaking a hundred words a second and they had to try three times to get me calm enough to relay my experience.
I went to a pay phone (no smartphone yet) and called Kathy. I told her to find a local airport and sign me up for a Private Pilots Course. She said why in the world would I do that.
"Because, Honey, if I am ever that scared again, I want to at least know what was going on."

Most people Solo in 12 hours or less. I soloed at 98 hours. Most people pass their Checkride at about forty to fifty hours. I passed mine after 198 hours. I was not a quick study. Fear was my constant companion. But I did pass and get my Certificate. And then I flew X Countries further than anyone at our little airport in NC. I flew to Fargo, ND, to Natchez, MS, to Bangor Maine....and even did a huge Canadian Tour in a little Cherokee 180. Had to hire an Instrument Pilot to go with me on that one. I never got my instrument rating.
My daughters both claim that their Dad- faces his fears head on. I guess they were right. The fear never went away. It just got manageable. Sometimes, you have to be afraid to grow.
I ran out of money, flying is expensive. Haven't flown in two decades. My skills are gone now. But I have the memories... and I know that if needs be, I can overcome.
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