Posted on May 23, 2014
SPC Charles Brown
When we as citizens ask for fair and equal treatment what do we get? Nothing. When veterans, retirees, and service members want fair pay, and equal understanding from politician, what do we get? Ridicule and derisive rhetoric from both politicians and civilians alike. Is this fair? I don't think so. How do you feel? The picture below explains what I think we get as citizens and soldiers of this great nation. Lets here your opinions on this.
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Responses: 1
PFC David Dabney
I would tend to agree if in naught but principle; apparently, our government officials (of either stripe, D or R primarily) seem more interested in their own vested interests and money laundering to concern themselves with the actual job they were 'hired' by our votes to do:  Safely, sanely, and with august responsibility maintain the operation of the Federal infrastructure tothe benefit of the American people... well, as long as those people don't have deep pockets, corporate connections, or more payola for their bloated offshore accounts.  Each session has more ridiculous grandstanding, less actual useful legislation, and more blathering from fringe idiots than one could sanely stomach.  "Throw all the bums out!"; seems to be the rallying cry of our nation... but when it comes down to which "bums" need be tossed first, everyone gets sectarian (as per their 'team') and says the OTHER guy's people 'all have to go'.

A moment on the soapbox from an INDEPENDENT voter:
HEY DOUCHEBAGS IN WASHINGTON.  WE ARE YOUR FREAKING BOSSES.  NOT WALMART.  NOT MONSANTO.  NOT BEAR STEVENS.  NOT EVEN HALLIBURTON.  US.  Mom and Pop AMerica.  Joe Storeowner.  And the Soccer Moms/Book Club.  Doesn't matter which blathering gasbag we voted for - we ALL know these schmucks are more in it for themselves than they are in it for their EMPLOYER.  As such.  Bad employee.. don't let the door hit ya where The Creator split ya!
Oh, and people, people... gay marriage?  Dun get one, if ya don't like it.  Abortion?  Same deal.  Transparency at ALL levels of government? Right on.  Accountability in the same?  You betcha.  BUT!!  Hot-button 'fadding' crap that's beaten like the proverbial dead horse?  AHMAHGAH stop it and take them outside and SHOOT them if they continue. If a vote fails, it FAILS.  Don't waste MY time, intelligence, or patience REVOTING against the same damn thing 49+ more times.  DEAL WITH IT.  Any more waste of resources and time should be met with hot irons.

Oh!  And how about getting back to putting Main Street to work, now that we bailed out Wall Street... AGAIN?!?  If these schmoes had ANY idea what it was like to work one (if you're lucky) or two (if you're Joe Average) jobs to make ends meet - and STILL have to live payday loan to payday loan, they (right now) would care less... but let them have OUR paychecks, lack of (taxpayer supported) healthcare, make 'em live in OUR crumbling neighborhoods... heck, make 'em pump their own gas for a few months!  AT MINIMUM WAGE.

I'm SURE conditions would rebound MUCH faster than these last sloppy 6.5 years.

Okay, off the 'box.  I'll pass the mic.
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