Posted on Jul 3, 2024
SSG(P) Owner
I'm sick and tired of the conspiracy theorists from the ultra extreme right wing wackos insulting Joe, there's nothing wrong with him. This rhetoric is "dangerous to our Democracy!"

The crazy Right has been involved in and reporting for three and half years he was suffering from dementia and on drugs, among their numerous other blatant falsehoods that undermine our truth, and they just keep insulting him. The world media, all those close to him, and his party members have continually reassured us he is fine and perfectly capable for four years, from the very beginning of his campaign. I support Joe for the Democratic candidate and believe the narrative for the last four years that he's 100% fine and capable and running the nation. There's no way the media, all the politicians in DC, and world leaders would lie to us while attempting to convince us otherwise, they care about us all. Your government cares about you and your safety.

Stop believing the MAGA lies, your eyes, and stop the false ugly mean hype, Joe is 100% sane, drug free, capable and ready to lead...the "ministry of truth" only allows truth and facts to be provided to you, if you don't believe and oppose them you are an enemy of the state. We don't want you to be an enemy of the state because we love you.

Sincerely, Big brother
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