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Responses: 53
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
#1. Nobody gives a shit if you are breastfeeding. My wife would very discretely nurse my son and nobody knew. She would cover up with a small blanket.

#2. If you are exposing some tit you are an attention whore and out to cause controversy by being a shithead.

#3. I would encourage all women to breastfed their children. It is the nutrition they need the way God planned it, and it is free.

#4. Yes, it is perfectly natural, but some things, even feeding your child, are somewhat intimate. If you can't understand that see #2.
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - And you are confusing the issue. The original post was that she was shocked her picture went viral. Really? Well, why post it with the face she made unless she was trying to get attention? Breastfeeding = good. There is a way to do it discretely and still educate people that it is a natural act.
Andrew Perrier
Andrew Perrier
>1 y
TSgt (Join to see) - you missed the point women will say why cover up its not a sex organ the same as i was
Andrew Perrier
Andrew Perrier
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - it was about sex organs
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SSgt Charles Freeman
I have zero f***s to give on this one. There's tons of other stuff to worry about.
SGT Nodal Network Systems Operators/Maintainer
SGT (Join to see)
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Well I tried to vote your comment down, but I guess I'm not Hooah enough for RallyPoint yet. This is a very important subject to the new mothers and duel military dads out there. I understand that you are saying that you have other things to worry about and that's all fine and good, but to belittle the entire topic is selfish, childish and foolish.
SSgt James Hill
SSgt James Hill
>1 y
Im going to go out on a limb here and say, hes saying this shouldn't be an issue.
SSgt Charles Freeman
SSgt Charles Freeman
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - I think there's absolutely no reason a woman shouldn't be able to feed her baby in public, so if seeing a woman breastfeeding doesn't move my needle, and it makes me childish, and selfish so be it.
SSgt Charles Freeman
SSgt Charles Freeman
>1 y
SSgt James Hill - That's exactly what I was trying to say...lol.
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SGT Justin Singleton
My ex-wife gave birth to my five children without any pain meds. She also spent about 10 years breast-feeding. It is extremely healthy, and I am proud of any woman who does it.
SGT Justin Singleton
SGT Justin Singleton
>1 y
PVT Joseph Snuffy - , no, no, lol. Five kids at about two years apart and breastfeeding until around two...so, basically ten years (with some short breaks).
SrA Aircraft Armament Systems
SrA (Join to see)
>1 y
You should stop breastfeeding a kid before he reaches ten, though.
SGT Nia Chiaraluce
SGT Nia Chiaraluce
>1 y
Fortunately regulations have changed to prevent situations like yours. This is the first time in my career I have the ability to go home and pump.
SFC Assistant Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
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Good for you! I have a 20 month old daughter and made it to almost a year breastfeeding. I struggled with even making it that far with my unit's expectations and training schedule. Our male Soldiers rarely understand the work and stress that goes into providing the best care for our newborns while also holding to the Army's standards, especially when our units don't show adequate support.
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