Posted on Oct 18, 2024
SPC Unit Supply Specialist
I am told by HRC that my direct commission will be wrapped up by Dec 1. The only thing lacking is my conditional release form (National Guard).
After checking yesterday it is sitting at BDE. I am optimistic that it will be signed soon.
Will this not being sent to HRC fully stop the commission process essentially pushing it past DEC 1? Will they still be able to process everything while waiting for the conditional release?
Thank you all.
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Responses: 2
COL Randall C.
Edited 4 d ago
It all depends on what HRC means by "will be wrapped up", but I assume they are referring to the selection board and not your actual commission as an approved conditional release is one of the primary documents necessary to be considered for the program (i.e., boarded).

If you been notified by HRC previously that you've actually been selected by the board then it is possible that the requirement was waived (hypothetical - there were fewer packets submitted than they had allocations for).

If that's the situation, then you'll have to be scrolled (the process of putting a list of individuals to be appointed before the approving authority) and then actually commissioned and THAT cannot happen until you've gotten your conditional release approved (HQDA won't scroll you without that approved conditional release).

From the time that your selected by the board and when you take your Oath of Office as a newly commissioned officer greatly depends on the branch you're applying to, if a rank determination needs to be made, and if there are any 'snags'. It could be as soon as a few months after being selected by the board or even a couple of years (as one of the DC CPTs told me).
SPC Unit Supply Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
4 d
Sir, Thank you for the insight.

I have been in the DC process for over a year now. The official MILPER came out in Sept. I was assessed at the rank of CPT.

An approved conditional release went up with my original packet. It has since expired since it’s been over a year. When I talked to HRC it was pretty much, “get a new one and get it to us.”

Sec Clearance and Ch2 physical all done. Live scan fingerprints getting done next week. The exact wording from HRC was, “I believe your commissioning will be done and completed before 1 December 2024.”


Thank you again.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
4 d
SPC (Join to see) - Ahh, much clearer.

You must have an approved conditional release before you can be commissioned for the simple reason is that you must be discharged as an enlisted Soldier before you can be appointed as an officer.

Everything else can be done, but it's a hard stop on you actually being commissioned until the conditional release is approved.
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SGM G3 Sergeant Major
You need to get with your BDE S1 now.
Because you need that conditional release signed by your TAG or G1, (the only signature required, your BN, BDE, etc, only review and forward), and sent to HRC, so HRC can complete an approved DC packet for you to provide back to your state G1 so they can discharge you.
You must have that discharge to get DCed.
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