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Responses: 8
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Sad to Hear!
CPL LaForest Gray
How Israel had always treated Palestinians, is how White Christian Nationalists treats the African American in America based on FACTS of laws & legislation.

White Christian/Nationalists Racist - STFU, I can continue to post HISTORICAL LEGAL FACTS

{ Growing up in Milwaukee, WI in the USA, we learned as children about the historical legacy of Redlining and BlockBusting }

1.) What is a Covenant?
Racial covenants are clauses that were inserted into property deeds to prevent people who were not White from buying or occupying land.

What are racial covenants?

Racial covenants can be found in the property records of every American community. These restrictive clauses were inserted into property deeds to prevent people who were not White from buying or occupying land.
Racial covenants served as legally-enforceable contracts. They stipulated that the property had to remain in the hands of White people and they ran with the land, which meant that it could be enforced in perpetuity. Anyone who dared to challenge this ban risked forfeiting their claim to the property.

A survey of the 30,000 covenants unearthed in Hennepin and Ramsey Counties illuminates the wide variety of people targeted. An early Minneapolis restriction proclaimed that the "premises shall not at any time be conveyed, mortgaged or leased to any person or persons of Chinese, Japanese, Moorish, Turkish, Negro, Mongolian or African blood or descent." Before 1919, Jews were often included in this laundry list of “objectionable” people.

SOURCE : https://mappingprejudice.umn.edu/racial-covenants/what-is-a-covenant

2.) Geographer studies housing covenants to map racial discrimination in Milwaukee history

“We’re trying to understand the historical and geographical production of these patterns,” Bonds says. “We’re trying to understand how spaces were made through boundaries and exclusion.”

The $147,412 grant Bonds and the project’s codirector, UWM English professor Derek Handley, are receiving from the National Endowment for the Humanities was announced Jan. 10 by U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee).

“The consequences of racial covenants and other discriminatory housing policies live on. We can see that in the continued segregation of our Milwaukee communities — thanks to efforts like the Mapping Racism and Resistance in Milwaukee County Project,” Moore says, referring to Bonds’s project.

“Even though the racial covenants and restrictive property deeds were eventually deemed to be illegal and unenforceable, that didn’t stop discrimination from occurring in practice,” she adds. “As we continue to move forward with policy solutions to build some real equity, we need to confront our history.”

SOURCE : https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/01/25/geographer-studies-housing-covenants-to-map-racial-discrimination-in-milwaukee-history/
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
LTC Eugene Chu it has been illegal since 1968... but still exist on deeds...

Experts believe millions of homes nationwide still have "Racial Covenants", which are legal clauses in property deeds that prevent people of color from owning homes. NBC News' Adrienne Broaddus speaks with Mounds View, Minn., residents about how they fought to remove these harmful covenants from deeds in their city.
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