Posted on Dec 3, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Have you heard about a Secret U.S. Hostage Held by Taliban Allies?

‘There are still Americans in captivity in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region,’ a top congressman reveals. The question is: How many? And what’s Washington doing to recover them?

RP Members do you believe that our Government is covering this up? Just your Opinions

An American hostage has reportedly been held by the Haqqani network for more than a year, according to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast is not publishing the name of the man or details about him at the request of his family and law enforcement officials due to concerns for his safety.

In response to the killings of four American citizens at the hands of Islamic State militants, the Obama administration has been attempting to streamline its hostage rescue efforts with the FBI’s creation of a Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell.

Caitlin Coleman and her child, whom she had while in captivity are the only other Americans suspected to be held along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan where the Taliban-aligned Haqqani Network operates. Coleman was kidnapped along with her husband, Joshua Boyle, a Canadian citizen, while traveling in Afghanistan in 2012.
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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 11
PO3 Electrician's Mate
Edited 9 y ago
just media don't care about it that much ... BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!(sac off)
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CPT Military Police
Edited 9 y ago
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
I don't know about this article, Sir. The other known American captive there is Caitlin Coleman, who was kidnapped along with her husband, Canadian Joshua Boyle, while traveling in Afghanistan in 2012.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
CPT (Join to see) I agree, but it seems legitimate! Do you think it is bogus or propaganda?
CPT Military Police
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
I think the writer isn't conveying the message in a style that lends to it's truthfulness.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
CPT (Join to see) - Captain; I agree that there is a nugget of truth buried in the speculations - but not enough to justify the speculations (other than it IS possible).

PS - I thought that you'd enjoy the Bill Mauldin cartoon. Mauldin had to explain that he wasn't casting aspersions on the MPs only highlighting that one of their main duties was to stand in positions that EVERYONE knew damn well had been registered by enemy artillery and to keep the traffic moving regardless of personal risk.

The caption, as near as I can recall it is "Thanks Buddy."
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
It's not really a secret. Just not publicized as that complicates both rescue and negotiations.
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