Posted on Feb 23, 2015
SSG Robert Burns
The PSG is claiming its fraternization because she is enlisted and he's officer. He has picked her up previously but now they consider it a problem. Just to clarify, no he is not in her unit.

***UPDATE: So this AIT Soldier who graduates next month has been given a recommendation for UCMJ and14 days of extra duty. Why? For getting in the car with her Father who is a Major here on post on Sunday. She has been signed out 3 times previously on Sunday's with no problem. This last time her PSG told her she could not do it anymore because it is fraternization. The counseling statement actually says that. They are saying she is not allowed in the vehicle with him even if he signs her out.***
Posted in these groups: 2e48419c Fraternization
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LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
I have 2 sons serving. The youngest is in Basic as I type this. I don't think the PSG wants to stand at attention and explain to me why I can't pick up my son on pass. I don't pull rank often but if they were to make rank an ROE, then I will be happy to play by those rules.

Probably just false bravado and rhetoric.
CDR Naval Flight Officer
CDR (Join to see)
8 y
CW2 (Join to see) - Fair enough. It might be against the rules for a trainee at that school to do that, and that's fine, but it is NOT the same thing as frat, and shouldn't be called frat.
MSG Danny Mathers
MSG Danny Mathers
6 y
CPL Joseph Elinger
CPL Joseph Elinger
>1 y
I would NEVER have an issue with discussing briefly & in private, why the visibility of The Officer's Rank could be indiscreet for the trainee / trainees.
Were I a trainee, I would prefer to "blend in" rather than be distinguished as The Officer's (or like the song goes) Senator's Son. Were I from a more fiscally solvent family or background, I would equally want to keep such it less known to casual associates.
CPL Joseph Elinger
CPL Joseph Elinger
>1 y
MSG Reid Stone MSG! I said the same. If Major isn't in uniform, no issue is being made.
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SGT Team Leader
Edited >1 y ago
Go Army!
One of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard in a military environment.

I want to meet this NCO, leader of men, shake his hand.

Look him square in the eyes and speak the words, "You are a f**cking idiot."

Bucket list.
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
The kid isn't in basic he is in AIT different set of rules and not everything is like OSUT
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
8 y
PO2 Steven Hardy - So during the on-base liberty, would a Coast Guard recruit be in trouble for meeting with a blood relative who was an officer?
PO2 Steven Hardy
PO2 Steven Hardy
8 y
CW3 (Join to see) - I doubt it. As long as the recruit keeps it professionel, and maintains their military baring (no outward displays of affection and such).
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
8 y
PDA in uniform is uniformly (pun intended) prohibited across all five Armed Services, yet I see people giving their spouses a kiss goodbye when dropping each other off. We're talking about a father-daughter situation here, I sincerely doubt they're going to be playing tonsil-hockey.
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TSgt Joshua Copeland
No, pre-existing family relationship.
SN Thomas Brown
SN Thomas Brown
8 y
PO3 Paul Stai - Really do you believe what you said yourself.
SGM Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
8 y
Nope. Parental relationship takes precedence. She should take it to JAG if the PSG pushes it or better yet maybe dad should call the commander and ask why he can't see his daughter when she's on pass.
COL Brian Shea
COL Brian Shea
8 y
PO3 Paul Stai - Gotta throw a BS flag on that one. An officer is an officer, in uniform or not. And when introducing myself to the cadre where our children happened to be at the time it was entirely appropriate to include my rank.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
8 y
PO3 Paul Stai - Are you serious? Your comment above shows you didn't really read the OP for comprehension. This is an AIT soldier who's going on an authorized pass. Her father was coming to sign her out. He'd done so previously, but now all of a sudden she's being told she can't go with him because he's a Major.
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