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Responses: 3
CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD
Not good. Money struggles like everything else.
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It's probably a good idea for the pilots to pause departures of there's technical problems.
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SPC Pat Ras there's a few famous cases with NTB that shown technical errors cased planes to crash, when NTB use to be on TV their airplane crash investigators and I use to watch them where one of them stated at one point pilots have to be able to turn the inboard pc's off to be able to physically fly the aircraft.
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SPC Pat Ras meant NTSB I think it was people that are aircraft investigators of airplane crashes. Their imput matters and is considered critical imput in each case.
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How about the train incident in Ohio? We went to see our son get married in Florida, was going to take the train, a day before we were to leave the train caught fire, ended up driving there and back coming back was one Ling storm while going through a southern state a tornado was right behind us.
Maj Kim Patterson
I fly Southwest all the time. They have a few months to fix this before I fly again,
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