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Posted on Jan 11, 2017
CPT Kelly Perdew
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Responses: 59
MSG Mark Million
Having worked around our future President, how do you feel his leadership in business will translate into leadership for this country?
CPT Kelly Perdew
CPT Kelly Perdew
8 y
Just the fact that he isn't a lifetime politician and can bring business views to the role will be good for the country I believe.
SPC Mary J Randall
SPC Mary J Randall
8 y
Is it possible for you to speak with him because there is a situation in Mobile, AL that is just as dangerous as ISIS if not more. My mother, Mary S Randall worked for the US government for 31 years. I was added to her bank account with a Durable Power of Attorney in Oct 2007 after receiving 2 phones calls while living overseas in the Marshall Islands working for various Defense companies for 22 years. At no time did I ever receive mail or my mother's mail at a street address ever. I ran into medical complications Jan 2010 and was kicked off island and sent to a hospital outside Honolulu and almost died. The nurse told me that I had severe vitamin deficiencies and could not walk, run, type or do all of the 1000s of things we take for granted. My sister, Debbie saved my life by calling me in April 2010 and asking me to come to Pocatello, ID where she would be my attendant. I agreed and was medevac May 25, 2010 but what we were not told was that 3 women walked into a Regions bank in Mobile, AL and with the help of someone at the bank removed me from the bank account Mar 2010 and changed the address from mine overseas to a supposedly friend in Mobile, AL who stole over $42,000.00 in a year's time. Our mother was admitted to a hospital 5 times from 01 Sept 2010 - 19 Mar 2011 with my sister on the HIPPA Release and she was only called once and told that our mother had been abandon at the hospital and no cops were called and admitted to the psych ward for getting angry and hitting a resident. I know that I would be mad if someone stole my purse, money, jewelry, car and freedom and this doctor is told by my mother that she lived in a assisted living for 3 years but could not remember the name, was a college graduate and worked in finance. But this doctor could not take the time to call my sister and ask her if our mother was telling the truth or the supposedly friend. The doctor diagnosed our mother with Alzheimer's but could not take the time to call any of the assisted living facilities either. We have since found out that our mother had been admitted to the hospital again in Jan/Feb 2011 and diagnosed with Schziophrenia with my sister again on the HIPPA release but no one contacted us, not the doctor or Medicare. When I contacted them to ask why I was never sent any documentation, they said they did to my sister's P.O. Box after I asked them to sent the documentation to my mailing address. They refused. I now believe that someone at Medicare is involved in these crimes also. I got nothing from Medicare telling me until last year when I called them and asked why they did not sent me documentation that our mother had been in the hospital. They dragged their feet about investigating Alacare, a hospice located in Mobile that the 3 women who did these crimes of theft, fraud, forgery and other crimes including kidnapping and possible murder put mom under hospice care and my sister and I were never contacted. I am thankful that our new President was able to get the hell out of dodge when he visited my hometown, Mobile, AL and did not have to go to a hospital. Please pass this on to the new Attorney General of our country when Senator Sessions might be confirmed. 2 banks, 2 hospitals, a nursing facility and a hospital, Medicare and a police dept, records dept and the DA office and the FBI and the attorney general office need to be investigated along with 4 attorneys. I am told to get a lawyer but I have had 4 and no one brought charges against the institutions listed above or the 3 women involved and the police sgt I spoke with in 2014 finally called my sister last year and interviewed her but he could not take the time before to call and leave a message and the DA who spoke with the former notary who watched someone signed my mother's name on the signature sheet like your write down your grocery list and this former notary listed to the DA who did not ask this person where his office was Aug 27, 2010 and did not ask his police dept to investigate the former notary. I still have not received any written or pictorial documentation from the bank or a refund of the money stolen. I also found out that the fraud dept was not notified that Regions had a thief and when I finally spoke with the original investigator, he did not ask me how I knew that there was a thief.

Speak to the President about passing Mary's Law. If someone says that they are someone's relative, caretaker or legal guardian, prove it or be fined $24,000.00 per day per incident whether a bank account, brokerage account or hospital, nursing facility or hospice or Medicare. Thank You. I am sorry that this is long-winded but I do not want this to happen to another family since my father was a Vietnam veteran, I was in the US Army, Alabama National Guard and mom worked for various US Military branches. No one should have to worry about where there parents are. Mom disappeared for 3 months before her death and a captain in the police dept said that my mother was not kidnapped. He is a idiot.
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Edited 8 y ago
CPT Kelly Perdew Welcome to RallyPoint. I think President Elect Trump is a man of action. Based on your experience with him one-on-one do you think he will make a great POTUS?

What is his greatest strength from you perspective?

What is his weakest trait from your perspective?
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
8 y
I dont see a minimal improvement in anything obama did unless your an illegal alien or a radical muslim looking to lay low until you receive a mission to kill American citizens. His obama affordable care act was renamed unaffordable care act by the new POTUS and its said to be axed very shortly. clinton... we even need to discuss this liar to any great detail??? Had another individual been busted for leaking classified information to even a fraction of the extent she did they would be in prison at this point, Bengahzi needs no recap, nor the constant lies told to make her look like a saint until you watch the actual footage of the truth and she how she really is, We here would call that stolen valor. Just because she has been stuffing the pockets of all these people and making grand boasts and promises to gain power doesnt mean she is an honest or correct person to play the role of a leader, wasnt it the FBI that said she would never gain a security clearance??? Pres Trump may be lots of things, but what stands out to me is that he doesnt have peoples blood on their hands, cant be bought like thes two can and has demonstrated that a few times, the others??? well lets just say there isnt much to discuss.
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
8 y
SrA Nick Skinner - Get off my lawn..... lol.... actually your welcome anytime you like.
CPT Kelly Perdew
CPT Kelly Perdew
8 y
There are a couple of strengths that I saw in Donald Trump when i worked with him for 14 months in NY that I believe will help him as POTUS: 1) Amazing ability to multi-task and 2) Unbelievably adept at managing/manipulating the media - I believe that one we've already seen! :) Weakness: 1) He says pretty much exactly what he feels/thinks at the time (as we've also seen) and that can potentially come back and bite him in his role @ POTUS.
COL Dave Pollard
COL Dave Pollard
8 y
Business acumen is a tremendous strength to bring to the office of POTUS. A good cabinet, NSC, and Whitehouse Staff will make for an effective executive branch. I think the wisest place for commenting on the weakest trait of the President Elect is a blind 360 self assessment.
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CPT David Gowel
CPT Kelly Perdew - It's great to have you on RallyPoint and thank you for your time. Did you pursue your JD/MBA because you thought it would help you transition from the military to become an entrepreneur or did you become entrepreneurial after UCLA? For vets who want to be entrepreneurs, but don't have their "big idea" yet, is that academic path one you'd recommend?
CPT Kelly Perdew
CPT Kelly Perdew
8 y
Hi David, initially I wanted to be a corporate attorney so believed the MBA would help me in that endeavor. I spent about 20 hours a week working at a law firm during the joint program and pretty quickly realized that I did not want to be an attorney. Fell in love with biz and entrepreneurship and never turned back. Finished the JD but didn't take the bar!
COL Dave Pollard
COL Dave Pollard
8 y
CPT Kelly Perdew - Kelly thanks for your response. Despite not sitting for bar do you still find value in your JD education/degree? My son is an "Outlyer" type passionate about real estate since age six. He will enroll at Univ of AL next fall pursuing a BBA in Finance/Real Estate. His intent is to follow it with a JD/MBA. On a lighter side my son dressed as Mr Trump one holloween. He also sent a letter to Mr Trump requesting an autographed picture, he received a note back advising him to send a postage paid envelope for the photo. Certainly a fiscally minded man.
CPT Kelly Perdew
CPT Kelly Perdew
8 y
COL Dave Pollard - Yes, but not 3 years and tuition value...He should just audit 3 Law courses - Contracts, Real Estate, and Bankruptcy. :)
COL Dave Pollard
COL Dave Pollard
8 y
Thank you Kelly!CPT Kelly Perdew -
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