Posted on Sep 2, 2020
CPT Company Commander
My promotion has been assigned to a scroll for about a month now but still says 0 days in approval process. Anyone recently promoted that can shed light on the timeline would be appreciated. I’ve been told it’s taking 180-270 days right now. That still accurate?
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Responses: 4
LTC Hardware Test Engineer
sounds about right. There are several wickets the packet has to go through in the process. and any one of them could be a bottle neck, especially with this covid crap going on. also, I've been told, that certain stages in the process don't process onesies and twosies, they wait until they have 25-50 packets and do them in a bunch, so if yours is the first packet in the queue it may sit there for a week or two and no action is taken. Guy in my unit got promoted to CPT last year and the process took him nearly 18 months. Sucks but it's a nice back pay check when it finally comes. Good thing is they "usually" back date your orders to around the date you were selected.
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CPT Logistics Liaison Officer (Lno)
All I can say is free labor. The process is broken. All the FEDREC process does is slow your date of rank down for future promotions.
Think of it this way: 6 months in FEDREC process to get CPT another 6 months once you get on the scroll for MAJ, another 6 months when you’re up for LTC, another 6 months when you’re up COL... that adds up to be 2 years of lost time as a COL of you make it that far.
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CPT Staff Officer
I've been checking new MILPERs daily as of late. I submitted my packet at the end of Feb. The last communication I got was my packet was sent upward to the Sec Army (May if I recall) As well, I stumbled upon a Milper directing all CPT promotions to follow "fully qualified" standards per regulations (I interpret that to mean skip a "board" process of selection, no flags, with 4 year degree, and BOLC complete give those TIG a GO).

July was MAJ promotion MILPER, before that was LTC, and I think Dec/JAN were the COL's.

The last CPT promotion selection MILPER was mid September 2019.

So I think we are looking at two more weeks until we should start to worry.
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