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Posted on Mar 19, 2021
Typical drill weekend as an infantryman in the ARNG?
So I’ll be going to a Combined Arms Battalion in the MN ARNG, I was very curious what a weekend is like as infantry. I know each guard unit has different mission sets, optempo, funding etc. BUT I’m still hoping for FTX’s, Rifle ranges, Troop movements and not cleaning, motorpool, reading, class work etc. thanks I’ll be a PV2 in a CAB
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Yes you will get your FTX's and some will be in February at Fort McCoy in the dead of winter. Summer you have sand gnats in places or Mosquitos. Weapons qualification is a one to two week FTX usually. AT another 2 week FTX. Cold Climate training possibly a week if your lucky. Your going to get at least three expanded drills a year (longer that two days). Are you a Red Bull? Pete Hegseth on Fox News was a Red Bull until he voluntered for an Active Duty tour with the 101st Airborne.
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
Yes a Red Bull, I’m in RSP right now I ship in July once I get back I’ll be in 1-194 CAB. I hear it’s pretty much a motorized unit with Strikers and Bradley’s. Are you a Red Bull?
SPC Erich Guenther
4 y
PFC (Join to see) - Nope, very long ago NG from Wisconsin that used to train with you guys at Fort McCoy, WI. So these days the Red Bulls do deploy overseas but I have no idea how often. We deployed in the 1980's as well to Germany and Korea shortly after I left the Wisconsin Guard. They do not deploy as often as Active Army units or for as long though I think the MFO duty is a 12 month deal now.....used to be 6 months when it was Active Army but they legthened it to 12 when they passed it to the NG. MFO Is between Egypt and Isreal in the Sinai Desert strip of land between the two countries.
Posted 4 y ago
I’m light infantry, but a typical drill weekend is, report, movement to training site, train, break for dinner, night iteration, sleep in the field, movement back to the armory, recovery, admin, then release.
Posted 4 y ago
From my experience in an infantry unit in the Ohio army national guard, 10 out of your 12 drill weekend will be spent in the field. That could include tactics ranges etc. based on your mission set. Your home station drills will most likely consist of administrative work, PT test, and maintenance.
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