Posted on Aug 16, 2014
Does modern technology make it easier or more difficult being deployed?
With Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, email, and every other modern technology convenience, is it easier or more difficult on you and your family when you are deployed?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Posted >1 y ago
Like many things it can be a double edged sword. It's great to be able to keep in contact and up to date on things back home in real time.. but it can also become a major distraction for the same reasons.
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
>1 y
In many ways it can make it easier and in many ways it makes it harder. It depends on the job and the mission in which you are doing. However, there are NCOs that are not technical savvy when they should be.
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
It depends on the personal or military use. Personally, its great. I took over 10TB worth of movies and tv shows and it made the deployment great. I could use the wi-fi and use my iPod to call home. From a leadership standpoint, it makes it worse at times. For example, Soldier post photos that violate OPSEC. It's a catch 22.
Posted >1 y ago
Hard to get a good connection with some water between you and the sun. It is pretty nice being able to see my family when I am in port, wherever in the world we are.
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
Excellent point! Technology has not fully caught up for all of our deployed service members. I am always flying or ending up back on dirt (usually sand) somewhere so little problems like being in the middle of the sea don't always pop into mind.
Posted >1 y ago
I loved skype while downrange. My son started walking while I was gone, so I was able to watch him do that via video. 4AM and 5PM every day was a skype call back home.
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
Does it make your longing, separation, and mission focus any more difficult? Or does it help re-engage you in your work every day because you know rather than wonder what is going on at home?
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