Posted on Feb 4, 2014
Military Police
Combat patch

What would you do in this situation if you were either his senior, peer or subordinate? and Why?


Is this Soldier wrong and does he have the right to carry on wearing things he did not earn? and Why?


Hypothetical Synaposis:



You walk into work call one morning and you observe the new Soldier in your platoon. You greet the new guy and welcome him in. You know this Soldier from your previous duty station because you were both deployed to RC-East. Same company, but different platoons and same battle space in RC-East. As you casually catch up on old times, you observe him wearing an SSI that you know you both did not earn while on the previous and only deployment.



Same scenario but he is wearing a skill tab or some type of badge.


Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 16
CPT Intelligence Exercise Planner
Heaven save us from Privates let loose in Clothing and Sales for the first time after graduation from basic. LOL
1SG Infantry Senior Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
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SPC Sql/Business Intelligence Consultant
SPC (Join to see)
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CPT M & 1SG Cottrell,

I knew many people who worked hard to earn their Army Service Ribbon. It would be a shame is posers (who did not earn it)wore that ribbon. You can read all about it in my new book "Army Service Ribbon, a harrowing tale of surviving the reception station, basic training, and most of AIT."
1SG Infantry Senior Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
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SPC llya,
CPT M and I have almost 50 years combined in the army. I myself look like I went to the PX and bought everything in there but I earned every last one of them. In my twenty years in the Army I have seen a lot of stuff Solider's do that are not right and I fix every one of them. My point is it is funny to us to read some of these posts.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
1SG Cottrell...enjoyed your points. When I put on my Captain uniform, with 20 ribbons, JCS and DOD badge and such I get jumped on by senior officers who don't even note the 9the award of a Good Conduct medal..on my Sgt Major uniform no one even blinks.
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SSG Operations
If it is a SSI I would verify that this Soldier had no other deployments other then the one we were on together. If his answer was no, then I would inform him of the old ALACRAT message from 2007?. It amazes me to this day how many Soldiers still pull the "I have a memo signed by a LTC from X BN awarding me X combat patch, we fell under them for 3 months during my last deployment in 2011." 9/10 this Soldier is just confused on the regs.

As an MP we tend to deploy as company size elements and we fall under infantry BCTs or in my case right now an MP BN from a different post. The MP BDE that we relieved in JAN handed out a Memo to a ton of MP companys that fell under them for as little as 30 days. Awarding them their patch. Totally against the regs.

As for tabs and badges? Hammer comes down. You ether know or don't know if you went to AA or Airborne school.
SSG Operations
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir, that is why the whole SSI thing is a huge mess that we created. The ALARACT was not retroactive. BUT what about the new 670-1? Is that retroactive? It supersedes the ALARACT. Under new rules, it says something to the effect that you are only allowed one SSI-FWS per deployment. The problem is the Army never created a spot on the ERB/ORB to designate what you can or can not wear. Its a unique issue that we never had before the GWOT. And it doesn't help when units still handout Memos awarding their patches to attached units.
SFC Communications Chief (S6)
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
it doesn't "supercede" the ALARACT the new policy mirrors the ALARACTS thereby making them obsolete
SSG Operations
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
So SGT Pefley, if I deployed in 2005 can I still wear 6 different combat patches? Or does the new 670-1 mean I can only wear one for that deployment? since the old ALARACT is now obsolete, and we should not refer to it in anyway? How do you read the reg?
SFC Communications Chief (S6)
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
My interpretation would be: If deployed prior to the implementation to the old policy restricting SSI-FTWS for company level and higher elements; you have already been "authorized" to wear patches. If the policy were retroactive it would have stated as such. You recall restricting the gwotem when the ICM and ACM came out? they gave the option to trade in, but it wasn't forced. Just removed the authorization for those two areas for the gwotem after a certain date. For myself, even though I deployed in 2006 and at the time i was TOLD that i could wear all these different patches, I've kept to but the one i wore on my left shoulder for that time. I've seen the memo's authorizing certain people certain patches, but i've never needed nor wanted it. Just my own philosophy on it. But if thats what you want to do and at the time you were "awarded" them, it was allowed, go for it; until policy comes out that removes said authorization
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SPC Squad Member
I saw a picture of an E-2 with a 1st ID patch, a long tab, and a sniper tab. He should be launched into the sun for being that stupid. If you're going to fake something, know a little about it. 
SPC Squad Member
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC he looked to be about that age. Also sniper tabs are not authorized to be worn if I'm correct and in order to have a long tab you must be airborne qualified which he wasn't so he looked like a fraud.
CPT Intelligence Exercise Planner
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
I was a team leader at Ft. Stewart and we were forced to send a young man with less sense than a brain damaged hamster home to West Texas. This was before the advent of closed posts and he decided it would be fun to walk around Ft. Bliss getting salutes . . . problem was he decided, at the ripe old age of 22, to wear full bird on his BDU collar. He was still in the window where a chaptered Soldier is subject to the UCMJ so when the MPs stopped to question the youngest COL in U.S. history he earned a free trip to Kansas for 2-5 years.

I laughed my A** off when our unit got word! =D
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
4 mo
CPT (Join to see) - Prolly not, I had a dean at my college who was a COL in WWII at 22. Fighter pilot and good at it. Os higher than him were taken out of action (KIA, WIA, POW). And he was good, had been a pilot before joining the USAAF.
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