Posted on Dec 10, 2014
PO1 Ken Johnson
Read the story of a LCDR who was the Executive Officer of the Navy Band being dismissed for Personal situations...

Got me to thinking. Wearing the uniform, ribbons and medals, rank, etc just like those of us who deployed on a regular basis, worked 29 hours a day 9 days a week at sea... Band? Really?

And we are looking for Force Reduction cuts? HELLO!!!!! I FOUND A FEW FOR YOU!!!!

Nothing personal against those musicians, but given the choice of a band or few FN, SN, AN, or even HN's I know where my vote goes...
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Responses: 5
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Edited 10 y ago
Like CW5 (Join to see) I agree, dude did wrong, got caught and is being punished regardless of rank and billet.

I wouldn't be so quick though to dismiss any MOS. Everyone has their place and military bands are a huge part of our proud tradition. These folks represent our services and probably have as much spit and polish as the Old Guard and as much practice and proficiency with their "weapons of choice" as a Ranger Battalion. When push comes to shove, bands put down their instruments and pick up rifles, just like the rest of us non-combat arms folks.
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CW5 Desk Officer
That's likely the end of his career, PO1 Ken Johnson. I agree with you about the specialties, but every service member contributes in his or her own way. Band members do their bit as well. I happen to know someone in the Navy band. It's a pretty sweet assignment. The guy I know has spent something like 20 years in the same location. You can't beat that (for him, anyhow).

Here's a link to the story you mentioned, by the way:
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TSgt Joshua Copeland
You think that is bad. We have multiple bands and Tops in Blue. If you are picked up for the Air Force Band it is an automatic promotion to E6 right outta basic.
SGT Army Musician
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Only true for the special bands (after a probation period for 3 months at e-4). All the special bands in DC follow this.

Regural air force bands have enlisted service members start at e-3 (same for navy and marine corps). Ironically, the Army starts at e-4.
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