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Logo uploaded by: MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca

Combat Arms
Long story short, getting chaptered for PT failure, Some leadership was at fault, but I take full responsibility on that. I suck at running. I’ve got 9 months left in my contract. Was never a bad Soldier, went to boards, deployed to Afghanistan, couple ARCOMS, nothing bad ever besides the whole PT issue. My main question is, if I get kicked out, take a year or so to better myself physically, Get my 2 miles down to around a 13:30-14:00 flat, then attempt to re-enlist, what are my chances of actually getting back in? And yes, I’m tracking about the new ACFT.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Please be advised that a unit may initiate separation, but this may not necessarily be the final end state. You will go through a separation board of officers and a president. The Army doesn't want to lose Soldiers with a good attitude and willing to retrain. Be positive about your desire to serve when you go before the board.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
You have 9 months left - I really can't see why you can't get back in shape. If you're taking the discharge/chapter to get away (seen it done) from your current Chain of Command - transfer to another (seen this done too) unit.
PT wise - you're going to have to dog the exersize, 7 days a week, minimum twice a day + lunchtime 20 minutes if you are serious. Running will still suck but it depends on what you really want - WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.
Oh yeah - stop smoking if you are a smoker.
PT wise - you're going to have to dog the exersize, 7 days a week, minimum twice a day + lunchtime 20 minutes if you are serious. Running will still suck but it depends on what you really want - WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.
Oh yeah - stop smoking if you are a smoker.
SGT Eric Davis
>1 y
Right when I seen you got 9 months left then what’s stopping you from passing before they chapter you out. Show them you want to stay in and fight for it
TSgt Chuck Mankin
>1 y
Being kicked out for physical fitness looks bad on your leadership as well so if you put in the work they probably won't kick you out.
Posted >1 y ago
Depends on the code the put on your discharge paperwork. There are a bunch of threads on RP asking if they can sign up with "x" code, look them up. Hiring circumstances do change though and your best info will be a recruiter closer to when you try to get in.
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