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Responses: 2
SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 7 y ago
Ha what a bunch of potheads. Actually this is taught in college level course Meterology 101. For those that do not know this is an annual event in California and would still happen with rain unless the rain was a deluge. The problem is the annual meterological phenomena called the Santa Ana winds........which have nothing to do with Global Warming (it is a NATURAL EVENT DUE TO CALIFORNIA's MOUNTAIN TOPOLOGY) and predate all the armageddon theories on Global Warming.

Anyhoo, the Santa Ana winds are called "Katabatic Winds".....you can Google that term. Southern California is not the only place they happen on the face of the Earth either. The winds flow down the mountainside and as air descends it will heat up rapidly and expand adding to the wind strength because the winds originate at high altitudes they are very low in humidity already having dropped their moisture prior to decent. Even if it was raining or Southern California had periods of rain in it's dry season these winds would quickly sop up the moisture and dry out the vegitation unless the rain cycle was a constant deluge. So even with rain the fires would occur as the vegitation would dry out. They might not be as severe but they would still happen as the winds are harshly dry and hot.

The winds also have a silver lining in that they churn the water in the Pacfic immediately off the coast via convection by warming the surface layer of the Ocean the water on the surface descends and the more nutrient rich Colder water rises to the top helping to feed the rich diversity of Marine life off the Southern California Coast.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
I would love to know how and when they came to be known as "Santa Ana" winds. I believe the original Spanish explorers called them "Santana" winds (Devils breath) which seems a more likely scenario. And I have experienced Katabatic Winds here in California and in Colorado along the Front Range (Chinooks). I think the Chinooks were potentially stronger. I once saw them move a detached garage across a road. Never saw a Santana do that.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
I have a crazy idea for the governor. Instead of spending resources on illegal activities in the human trafficking market, why not instead purchase 4 tanker aircraft to use when wildfires break out in the alpine desert areas that have been over built and over occupied. Just a thought.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
7 y
This is actually one event that mankind has nothing to do with (see my post above). Completely Natural to the LA Basin and has been going on for Centuries.......probably Eons.
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