Posted on Jun 23, 2016
MAJ Keira Brennan
I retired (medically) from Law Enforcement in 02/2012 (same time as USAR). I spent a total of twenty years in the field starting in 1990 as a police dispatcher, then to a Patrol Deputy Sheriff in MO, to a Federal Corrections Officer, to a LEO Physical Security Specialist - finally to DHS 1810 Investigator. My Federal Law Enforcement Career was from 1994 to 2012. I miss it. How about you?
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Responses: 12
TSgt William Meyer
Spent 21 years with the NYPD, retired in 2003, also have 9 years Military LE retired in 2007. With all going on in the city I'm glad I'm gone, but miss the people I worked with.
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LTC Immigration Judge
Edited 8 y ago
I was a Border Patrol Agent in San Diego in 1996, then got picked up as INS special agent (1811) in the human trafficking unit in Los Angeles in 1997, which converted (along with a promotion to Senior Special Agent) to ICE in 2002 or 3, don't remember.

I quit back in 2005 after attending law school at night and passing the California Bar exam. After a brief stint working for an experienced attorney, I opened my own law office in March 2006 and have been preventing my former employer from breaking up families (I also help people get their green cards and US citizenship) ever since, with a 90% success rate.

I really enjoy what I do, have maintained an excellent relationship with ICE and am actually referred by them when they get people in their custody and learn that they are victims of domestic violence and child abuse by their US citizen spouses and parents.

I rarely miss it. At almost 50-years-old, I don't need to the 3:00 AM callouts or my wife worrying about my safety every day I to work.
SSG Motor Transport Operator
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Hi there,
Will a disability rating from the VA/Military hurt the chances of the veterans of getting hired as a federal LEO? I am currently on active duty (8 yrs), and going through a MEB process. I also have an tentative offer from CBP. Please advise.
Thank you!
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Honestly I have no idea. Each agency will have its own standards.

I can tell you that Border Patrol Academy is one of the more rigorous, and will have correspondingly high standards for physical fitness. Not sure about today, but we even had boxing as one of our graduation requirements.
SSG Motor Transport Operator
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC (Join to see)
Thank you Sir.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
3 y
SSG (Join to see) - It can hurt or it can help. 30% gets you a 10 point preference BUT what is the disability. When my PTSD rating went up to 60% they used that to get rid of me.
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CPL Chris Mensinger
I completed 8 years of active duty and upon separation joined the California Highway Patrol. I've worked primarily as patrol for the last 22 years. I'm eligible for retirement in approx. Three years.
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