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Responses: 2
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
"U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos wrote in his opinion that some of the defamation claims — including the one about "January 6th rioter" — were in private messages and not actionable as defamation. He found other comments were protected under the First Amendment."

They were in private messages. Even if they were on the picture, that's not defamatory.

"Baldwin had donated $5,000 to McCollum’s wife after the Marine was killed with 12 other service members in a 2021 bomb attack in Kabul.

In January 2022, Roice McCollum posted an Instagram photo of someone wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat at the Washington Monument on Jan. 6, 2021, and Baldwin lashed out at her on social media, according to the lawsuit.

“When I sent you the $ for your late brother, out of a real respect for his service to our country, I didn’t know you were a January 6th rioter,” Baldwin allegedly wrote in messages saved by the plaintiff, according to the lawsuit."

How is it defamation if people are proud they were at Jan 6? But it wasn't public comments. They were private messages. Baldwin is an epic dbag but this is clearly a money grab. No one would have ever known he said that if they hadn't filed the lawsuit and made it public.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
First, IMHO Alec Baldwin is an A$$hat and ab idiot.
In the article it alluded were his remarks in a private message? I am confused if they were. How do you claim Defamation if remarks are in a PM?
Additionally, I would think they would have to show his comments in some way harmed her financially or her character enough to cause her to loose a job etc.
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