Posted on May 19, 2015
Ribbon spacing for unit and service (Does the spacing on service awards and unit awards have to be the same?)
so here is the delima, I have had multiple controversy answers so thought I'd ask here. Our unit has 4 citations(3 on the bottom one on top) the only racks they sell have 1/8" spacing between the awards. Does the service awards have to have that same 1/8" spacing between awards or can you still wear a rack that is tight together?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 5
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
DA PAM 670-1
Table 22-1 (c)
Page 237
c. How worn. All permanent and temporary unit award emblems, with or without frames, are worn in the order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left. Award emblems are worn in rows containing no more than three emblems per row, with no space between emblems, and with up to 1/8 inch space between rows, depending upon the size of emblems with frames.
The key words are "up to 1/8", you can wear them flush. In my opinion they look much better spaced.
As a Noncommissioned Officer the best way to "justify" hearsay about what is authorized/correct on the Army uniform is to look it up in AR 670-1 or DA PAM 670-1. Asking for advice in online forums is not the way to prove a point, you are setting yourself up for failure. It would have taken the same amount of time to download DA PAM 670-1 from as it did to post this question.
Table 22-1 (c)
Page 237
c. How worn. All permanent and temporary unit award emblems, with or without frames, are worn in the order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left. Award emblems are worn in rows containing no more than three emblems per row, with no space between emblems, and with up to 1/8 inch space between rows, depending upon the size of emblems with frames.
The key words are "up to 1/8", you can wear them flush. In my opinion they look much better spaced.
As a Noncommissioned Officer the best way to "justify" hearsay about what is authorized/correct on the Army uniform is to look it up in AR 670-1 or DA PAM 670-1. Asking for advice in online forums is not the way to prove a point, you are setting yourself up for failure. It would have taken the same amount of time to download DA PAM 670-1 from as it did to post this question.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
10 y
I looked it up in da Pam 670-1 before posting this however it never specified if your unit citations have a 1/8" spacing do your service awards have to have that same spacing to where they match on both sides. I'm aware it is an option to buy a mount with the space but posting this I was in hopes for someone who has a lot of experience in this area such as someone in honor guard ect. It's not for a point I'm trying to prove its a major issue for a lot of the new soldiers in my platoon. The only award mounts sold here have no spacing and the only unit award mounts they sale have the spacing. Inspections are in 7 days and I would hate to tell them "it's fine if that's all they sell" and be responsible for their uniform not being correct.
CSM (Join to see)
10 y
SGT(P) (Join to see)
That is an even easier question to answer. If it is not stated in AR 670-1 or DA PAM 670-1 than it's a non-issue. If it doesn't state that if the individual ribbons are spaced then the unit awards must also be spaced then, it is a matter of choice. They can wear their individual ribbons spaced and their unit awards flush.
As a matter of uniformity I personally would space both my individual and units awards or wear them both flush but, that's just me.
Your initial question would have been much better if you would have explained it like you did in the comment above.
That is an even easier question to answer. If it is not stated in AR 670-1 or DA PAM 670-1 than it's a non-issue. If it doesn't state that if the individual ribbons are spaced then the unit awards must also be spaced then, it is a matter of choice. They can wear their individual ribbons spaced and their unit awards flush.
As a matter of uniformity I personally would space both my individual and units awards or wear them both flush but, that's just me.
Your initial question would have been much better if you would have explained it like you did in the comment above.
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
When I was in Korea with the 121CSH, my permanent and temporary unit awards ended up being 5 (VUA, MUC, ASUA, NUC, KPUC). The ribbons didn't fit the 5 ribbon rack well, so I bought a 3 ribbon bar and a 2 ribbon bar and then just pinned them on the jacket separately with the appropriate spacing between (refer to my profile photo). That worked fairly well.
Posted >1 y ago
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