Posted on Aug 29, 2022
COL Randall C.
Longing for the old days ... where did they go?

*sigh* ... I vaguely remember RallyPoint, when it first started, having posts that were actually focused on a lot of Service oriented questions. Questions from folks about how this or that was affected by a policy, a new regulation, or something else. Questions asking about someone's experience when they were at this post or that base. Questions for opinions about different ways of doing things between Services...

That lasted for about 5 minutes before the first partisan 'tweet' was put up about someone's political religion and people posting articles/comments to do a 'gotcha' towards someone else that doesn't share their view ... and if you disagree, you're an idiot/evil/inbred/etc.

It seems if every other 'tweet' is how ____________ (fill in the blank .. Biden/Trump/Obama/ Bush/etc.) is the worst president ever and this is why. How _________ (fill it with whatever political religion you subscribe to) has to be addressed or it will be the end of the world as we know it. How if you support ______________ (fill in with your most hated figure that doesn't share your political religion) that you are a communist/racist/elite/low-IQ/etc.

I'll share a secret with you all. Almost everyone is so entrenched with their views that I assume when you put up a partisan post you're either 1) looking for validation of your opinion and hope to stumble into an echo-chamber of ideas and/or 2) looking to cause controversy just so you get an ego boost in a public flame war.

Here's a shocker - if I voted for ________ (fill in least favorite political figure), that doesn't make me a ___________ (fill in whatever hate-filled word you use to describe those that don't share your political view). I probably voted for them for some other reason than an amuture mind-reading zealot says I did.

I spent over 32 years in the military and fought in multiple conflicts to defend your right to do exactly what I object to. That doesn't mean I have to like it. However, I think it's beneath myself to demonize someone just because they don't have the same view as I do.

When I first joined RallyPoint (9 years ago?) I was pretty active (I think I was in the top three O6s .. can't be positive though) in sharing advice and guidance with others. I eventually got tired of seeing yet another "my opinion is much better than your opinion because I can quote some partisan talking point faster than you can" discussion and decided to take a break and let someone else dole out the advice. After coming back recently I can see that not much has changed.

I have strong opinions on certain topics, but I don't have to shove them down other's throat to feel good about myself. All too often I see posts devolve into "I support X" ... "You don't?" ... "You suck and are an idiot" ... and that's a clean version of it. Heck, I've seen such disrespect in the posts on this site that trying to imagine the poster ever having a professional discussion is almost impossible.

Maybe RallyPoint could make a new tag for some posts. If all you want to do is sling some partisan meme, story, etc. out there, then how about it be tagged as such and then give everyone an option that they have to opt-in if they want to engage in those...

Of course, those that just want to throw up the partisan post will swear that "It's THE TRUTH!" and that there's no room for discussion because, well, it's THE TRUTH! and there isn't any room for something that doesn't agree with THE TRUTH!

If I want to see partisan posts/stories constantly appear in my feed, I'll go join ___________ (fill in the blank with your favorite/least favorite partisan site). I'm sure there are many who just want to have a question answered and those that want to answer questions for others. Both would likely love to 'opt-out' of the partisan posts clogging up the airwaves...
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
Edited 1 mo ago
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Responses: 8
SGM Erik Marquez
COL Randall C. If you stay in the Answers forums.
Follow only the tags you want to be notified about.
Hide the members you know are just posting for points, political nonsense, shock value, ect....You can rid yourself of most of the BS.

I understand and sympathize with your point and position. As an admin, I can only ensure rules are followed. Those that use RP to benefit only them selfs, their egos, and the eco chamber followers they have, I can do nothing about unless a published rule is broken.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I think this "point" system needs to go. Things like pic of the day posted 20 times in a row add nothing to this forum. The political arguments, discussions will always happen. Every veteran group I've ever been in eventually deteriorates into a political party sh*t show. People need confirmation of their biases.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 y
SSG (Join to see) - Points need to go...they mean nothing and people are chasing them...who cares if you are a "high influencer" or a member of the Eagles club. I joined RP to talk with fellow veterans not to get lambasted at every turn. I agreed with two differnet people on their argument and both downvoted me with one telling me they didn't need my validtion and the other calling me everythig but who I was and it was nasty so I blocked and moved on.

NOW I will be the first to admit on occassion I let my emotions get the best of me and retaliated...should not have done that...however, I pulled back, told those people goodbye and blocked my life/experience on RP is infinitely better.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
The only view I'm entrenched in is the inside of my wallet.
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SGT Program Coordinator
I'm with you there , Sir. I just try my best to skip through the politics, and get with the real RP chat.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
SGT Philip Roncari - I too, did alot of hard surfacing at the ship yard, Also did boiler tubes in the power plants, but larger then 7/8".
Funny, the tube joints roots, had to be TIG, then we stick welded the cover, me on the inside of the boiler, and someone else on the outer side. We had to communicate with each other by, talking through refractory material joint gaps. Sure was hot in the boilers, wearing heavy coveralls and a welding jacket.
I understand about those heating pads, one certification I had at the naval yard was, HY steel up to 110PSI, some called it Bullet Proof steel.
One of my specialties was, welding military ship rudders, all made out of 110HY.
The welding process called for, the plate to be no less than 112 degrees before welding. Heating pads were mounted as to specs, and a heat fiberglass shield cloth hung, all around the rudder. The temperature was monitored 24/7, by gas free personnel. Had to work in that enclosure, and it sure was hot, maybe for 3 to 7 days.
But, if the temperature was done right, there were never no cracks or defects.
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Philip Roncari
2 y
SGT Carl Blas- exactly the process we did on the boilers up here,Tig Root then 90/18 stick even the same communication through the cut webbing isolating the tube,hot boilers heavy coveralls and hanging in a Spider basket all familiar,another fun job was welding under the hood of the turbine,doing various stainless welds at odd angles and uncomfortable positions,disliked that job assignment immensely,be well Brother
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Philip Roncari - Stainless welding overhead was a trip, no matter if it was 304, 310 or 316, there was a ocean going tug that big had stainless water tanks.
Welding the tanks in the overhead position, always got burns from any dingle balls falling. It would fall, and if any didn't hit your welding jacket, like down your neck, it would burn through your T-shirt, and travel down your skin, until you moved your body, to where you couldn't feel the burning anymore.
After work, when I took off my shirt, there were long skin burn marks, of the traveling of those dingle balls rolling down my skin.
My wife at the time asked, don't you feel it burning, I always told her, Yeah I do, but what do you what me to do, it's the nature of welding overhead.
Aluminum overhead, the same thing, with a MIget spool gun, most of the aluminum welding was structural, and thinner stuff was done with TIG, in the shop.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - That big screw had a big nut that screwed on to the shaft to hold it on.
Most don't know it, but that nut had to be torqued on, So, how was it torqued to what specification needed, well as to taking it off was the same process.
And, what wrench would turn that big nut, which was something like 4' in diameter? Well, I just happen to know, there were some days I worked in the shop, most parts and structures were fabricated in the shop, and all installs, were done in drydock, of field.
One day, I was MIG welding on the flanges of two 46" diameter fabricated inlet valves, that were 1" thick.
On a breck, to cool down, I went over to the cutting table to see just what the guy was going to cut, due to the steel plate was 4" thick.
On the cutting table at one side of the table, there are 6 cutting torches, and that's for cutting more than one item at a time. On the other side, there is a black table, with an optic eye overhead. So, what's done is, a template to size of an item to be cut, in white paper, is laid on that black table, and the optic eye follows the edges of that white template, as the torches cut the steel plate on the other side.
There is an art, to cutting a 4" steel plate, and you better know what you're doing, that plate cost alot of money.

So, getting back to the large screw nut tool, a closed wrench is cut to specs with that cutting table that will fit on that big nut. And, it's made from 4" steel plate, with a handle about 6' long.
There are 4" thick pad eyes, that I had welded to the hull of the ship overhead, chain blocks are hung overhead, and that big wrench is hung over the screw. The wrench is hung at a certain angle on the nut, and a heavy solid steel weight is hung overhead too.
Now, some smart mathematical individual fingered out, that, a certain weight, hung at a specific angle, and height, then let go, when it hit that big wrench, it would hit at a certain pounds per square inch.
And, that was done, so many times to a specific calculation of how many hit to do.
Also, after torqueing the nut, there are security wires placed, something like nuts on an aircraft, so the nut wouldn't unravel itself under vibration conditions.
By the way, that process, is all documented, for the ship's history of repairs done, and everyone involved, are held accountable for their part of the work being done, to include my welding of the pad eyes that hung everything overhead, and x-rayed.
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