Posted on Dec 2, 2017
PFC Sean Smith
How to reenlist with a RE3 code with medical discharge?

I am trying to re-enlist into the Army, specifically this time into the national guard. I was discharged from the U.S. Army for under a medical discharge for a knee issue and the doctor that did my surgery(Knee scope) told me that I couldn't run with my arthritis. When I was getting out, I was told that with the RE3 code, I could re-enlist with a waiver. I attempted once so far, I went to a doctor(A knee and sports medicine specialist) to see what he thought of my knee. He told me I was fine to run, lift, etc on my knee with no problem just that I have arthritis and gave me a letter saying I was good to go in his eyes. When I went to a recruiter, we started the process but hit a snag. He told me since the big army said I was "Unfit for duty" they couldn't go under them and change it. I was told I had to contact the army and have them change it before we could send me to MEPS. I called to the MEB office where I did my med board and they told me that he was wrong, and that since I wasn't in the army anymore they couldn't do anything and that MEPS would have to be the decided factor if I am fit or unfit for duty.

Has anyone ever known or dealt with something like this? My time to serve isn't over in my heart and I know I can do my MOS abilities perfectly. I can run, ruck, jump, and do anything physically demanding. I know there has to be a way for me to be able to get back in, just need help and to be pointed in the right direction.
Posted in these groups: Re enlistment logo Re-enlistmentC4289f1 RE CodeArizona ARNG
Edited >1 y ago
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SSG Technical Engineer
It took me eleven years to get back in and that was with a Don't Ask, Don't Tell discharge! I had an RE-2 code. I spoke to over 10 different recruiters for different branches who all told me the same thing. Even after DADT was repealed my RE code fucked me. (forgive the language). Not until I found the National Guard recruiter did someone finally get it. It was repealed, and my RE code didn't matter. I digress, as the good LTC mentioned, this has been asked and answered several times and with enough persistence you will get to exactly where you want to be. Just do me a favor and DO NOT give up.
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LTC Kevin B.
This question has been asked in multiple ways on here. Look through these previous questions first.
PFC Sean Smith
PFC Sean Smith
>1 y
Thank you for the link sir.
I have seen this question throughout here, but I couldn't find anything on the unfit for duty problem with the recruiter. Unless its just find the one who is willing to fight for me all the way.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
LCpl Stephen Ginn - I am so sorry that you haven't been able to get back into the branch of the military that is your choice. I send to you many prayers for success in getting back into the military branch of your choosing. -Most Sincerely, Margaret C. Higgins U.S. Army Retired
PFC Sean Smith
PFC Sean Smith
>1 y
LCpl Stephen Ginn - Its a pain, but hopefully I can find someone willing to put in the work for me.
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CPL Johnny Whalen
Im in the same boat. I gave all paperwork to the recruiter an somehow it wasnt enough. But the key is finding someone who will help cause they dont make anything in prior service guys. Im still looking. Im in western ky
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