Posted on Jan 2, 2015
TSgt Joshua Copeland
Conservative Nail Polish?

The AF AFI (36-2903) allows for a lot of wiggle room on what is allowed.

3.2. Fingernails. Male Airmen are not authorized to wear nail polish. If worn by females, nail polish will be a single color that does not distinctly contrast with the female Airman’s complexion, detract from the uniform, or be extreme colors. Some examples of extreme colors included, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire engine) red and florescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors; however, white-tip French manicures are authorized. Fingernails must not exceed ¼ inch in length beyond the tip of the finger and must be clean and well-groomed. Fingernails must not interfere with the performance of assigned duties. Fingernails must not hinder proper fit of prescribed safety equipment or uniform items.

So what do you think " does not distinctly contrast with the female Airman’s complexion, detract from the uniform, or be extreme colors. "

What are other services take on this both regulation and interpretation.
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Responses: 27
CPT Company Commander
This picture makes my Army hurt. Make it stop!
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
>1 y
lol !!!DO NOT give these guys any Ideas !!!!!!!
SPC Allied Trades Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
There has been a lot of discussion over the regulation on makeup and nails. Personally, I think all branches should use the Air Force Regulation on this one. Colors that don't take away from the uniform would be like a light pink for Caucasian woman and shades of brown for African American and Hispanic women, the shade dependent on their shade of skin. And of course, light tans for all races. I don't think nail color makes civilians think of us any less or make it look as though we aren't professional. Again, this is all personal opinion but I have also taken a poll throughout my entire brigade and we came to the same conclusion. Its not that big of a deal...
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
SGT Michael Glenn - I can think of a few of my friends with too much time on their hands!
SA Gunner's Mate
SA (Join to see)
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I don't believe that the color of our nail polish lowers the respect that civilians have for us or gives the impression that we aren't professionals. To reiterate, all of this is my own personal view; however, I have also conducted a survey with the whole of my brigade, and we all arrived to the same conclusion. It really shouldn't be that much of a concern...
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CW5 Desk Officer
It's cool looking, but I would not characterize it as conservative. Oh, plain and simple ... "nail polish will be a single color" ... Unsat. Gotta go.
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MAJ Laurie H.
"white-tip French manicures are authorized"??!

I actually just can't get passed that part. I'm also sort of concerned that this seems to allow pink (and apparently red that isn't bright?) polish in uniform, which would be really disturbing for me to see.

If I saw the manicure pictured I'd give the girl (or guy) and A for effort and hand them some polish remover.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
TSgt Joshua Copeland
>1 y
CMSgt James Nolan, and therein is either the advantage or problem, depending on your point of view.
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't have the answer to the manicure dilemma, but if a woman soldier wants to get her nails done, it should compliment her sharp contrasts.  
MAJ Laurie H.
MAJ Laurie H.
>1 y
My vote? Unless some female airman has red skin (complexion) she should not be wearing red nail polish. That would be a contrast right? To make my life easier I'd interpret this literally and not allow anything I would notice in passing without intentionally looking.
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