Posted on Jul 5, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
I kept my Duffel Bag for decades. Finally we lost it in a move. When I was single, I made sure everything I owned fit in that Duffel. I could move out in fifteen minutes. So flash forward about thirty years. I met a guy (online, never in person) I read his books and we struck up an "email" connection. Not a lot, just every couple or six months. Then I found out from someone who actually knew him, that he travelled with only a back pack. That's it. One back pack, and one laptop computer. That backpack held everything he owned.
I was amazed. I thought I was doing pretty well with just a duffel bag. Even with the house we have now, I could move us out (if we left the furniture) in probably five suitcases. We are sort of minimalists. And I only wear shorts and T shirts now...when we have our six to twelve days of cold weather...sweat pants.
But a back pack? Wowza.
So I was telling my buddy about this guy and he started roaring. He said: "Kevin, I live in a four thousand sf home. My wife uses two of the four bedrooms for storage. My garage has two cars, two motorcycles, and a bunch of tools. And I have a storage Unit - full. And I store my RV and Boat at another Storage facility. Back pack? No way.
And all I could think of was that old Carlin bit about "Stuff." We don't have much stuff and like most old folks, we are quietly giving away stuff if anyone shows interest in it. LOL My Mom gave me a sterling silver cake shovel, which must be well over 150 years old now. I have that.
So yeah, not a lot of stuff but all we need. Compared to the huge dinners with fine China on Sundays and Holidays when I was a kid, and I kinda like the new: "...we don't even have four plates that match" - mentality. LOL
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Responses: 3
MSG Stan Hutchison
My biggest weakness now is books, and fishing equipment, and western art. Did I mention books?

Back in the day it was fishing gear, firearms, and tools.

Did I mention books?

Speaking of Army duffle bags, did you know those bags hold 4 cases of beer very snuggly?
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
2 mo
I am with you on books, and did not know about the beer. LOL
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
We definitely have more stuff than we need.
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CPT David Tanner
I gave my son all of my military clothing and stuff other than records, my class A blues, my bus driver cap and my ribbons and metals. We lived in a RV for 1 1/2 years and didn't have room. It was actually good to let that part go. Take care.
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