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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jun 7, 2022
Pamela Foster
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Responses: 3
PV2 Barbara Bouldin
I think that is an excellent idea, We have got to learn new, improved ways to protect buildings, sensitive and confidential information within our businesses walls. We have got to, got to work with each other, from small towns and communities, to state, and government levels, NATION WIDE, to stop access to automatic assault rifles; unless issued by any and all security and law enforcement personnel. Period! And nobody, who is not up to criminal, other illegal use, or heaven forbid, has some sort of vendetta against fellow human beings, can possibly scream and mumble and complain, that their right to bare arms, and need for defense, or to hunt food, or pleasure, has been violated. We are going to have to come up with some sort of plan, law, amendment, act or bill, NATION WIDE, to get all human beings protected from their neighbor, who has an arsenal of assault rifles in their basement, or the fellow across the street, or down the road, or on the other side of town, or a group who is paid to load up, travel for miles, and handed hundred dollar bills, and assault rifles as they file off the bus, and are all pumped up by a venomous leader who has been pounding it into their heads for days, and hours, and just minutes before; led them in a “kill first,” “It’s your right,” “ They’ll listen to me by the time I’m finished mowing these enemy’s down,” And, then there’s screaming, and bleeding, and immense pain, and blood everywhere, including on the killer! When everyone, who slung their assault rifle round and round, and side to side, aiming at thousands of Innocent humans, both the adults and the “ littles,” when they sit down, and are still proud as a peacock, holding onto their rifle, and they hear the silence of what they had done, I hope they cannot breath, or sleep, or eat, or pee, until they repent, and die, until we, who are soon going to be, few and far between, stop talking and start reacting, and get these monster guns, out of monsters hands, and get security up and running, BEFORE these buildings are filled with the “ inniccents” and are sitting targets, just waiting for the taking, and wondering who will get their first, and will the assault rifle be a Remington, or Brownie, or Winchester, or an off brand, and the “littles” are having a fun day with their friends, and tossing a big ball up over their heads, around the room. They have no clue that their adult in the room, is jumping at every sound, and is keeping an eye on the door, in hopes of being able to protect them, and themselves from the monsters, behind the monster! We all HAVE TO, HAVE TO, start screaming for safety measures.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
They do need to raise the age for sale of any gun except BB gun to anyone under the age of 21. The whole argument that if you can fight in a war at 18 is BS because 18 is still a child in some humans as far as brain development is concerned. So the 18 year old argument is not even scientifically or medically based. In my view the age of majority is set too low as well in most states.
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TSgt George Rodriguez
At one point I worked as a licensed armed security guard at an electronics building plant. The building had one entrance that was locked and only could be opened by the guard at the door. Exiting the building we were required to check bags and purses to prevent theft. We had outside cameras that we monitored. Although they only had 2 shifts we had 3 shifts 24/7. Everyone had badges with their pictures on them and were not allowed to enter without them.
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Yuliana Morton
Hey! Choosing a home security system can be overwhelming with so many options. I recently stumbled upon https://wyesecuritysolutions.co.uk/key-holding/ , and they offer a fantastic range of solutions, including keyholding services. It might be worth checking them out; they've got a reputation for being reliable and effective. Consider your specific needs—cameras, alarms, or a mix of both—and make sure the system aligns with your lifestyle. A personalized approach often works wonders. Good luck finding the perfect fit for your home!
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