Posted on Jul 12, 2024
SPC Infantryman
How long takes to get the NGB 22 and how to make it quicker?

How long it commonly takes?
How to make it quicker?
Since when can i start the request?

I ETS on December 2024, I want to go active duty, I already contacted an AD recruiter and said that I need the NGB 22.

6 years of service.
No deployments.
This is a duplicate discussion. Click below to see more on this topic.
SPC Infantryman
How long it normally takes?
How to get my NGB 22 quick?
Can I get it before my ETS?

I ETS of National Guard on December 2024 and need my NGB 22 and DD214 as quick as possible so I can reenlist on active duty.

E-4 / SPC
6 years of service.
No deployments.
Responses: 1
COL Randall C.
Edited 2 mo ago
The NGB 22 is the National Guard's record of service which, like the DD 214, won't be issued until you actually separate from the National Guard.

Your AD recruiter knows this (should know this) and should have informed you when they stated you needed it.

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