Posted on May 9, 2015
Where can a retiree find out their Promotion Dates?
Responses: 5
Get you an SF-180 form off the internet and check all that applies to what you need. You can get all of your orders, your medals, DD-214, etc. just by checking what you want. The address where to send it is on your request form.
Did you print out a copy of your vMPF before you retired? It is in there.
MSgt Brian Welch
Thanks for all the responses.
TSgt Joshua Copeland Yes and I once had all my records but I lost all but my medical records in a flood. Lesson never keep your records in cardboard box in the basement.
TSgt Joshua Copeland Yes and I once had all my records but I lost all but my medical records in a flood. Lesson never keep your records in cardboard box in the basement.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
Always have multiple copies. I have an encrypted copy on my personal web server, a copy on an encrypted hard drive at my in laws safe, a encrypted copy on a hard drive in my safe and a copy on my personal laptop.
To all active SM out there, especially you young'ns - make and keep copies of EVERYTHING in your MPRJ. I was given this advice and it saved my butt on several occasions. Some how the S1 Trunk Monkey randomly goes through your MPRJ and removes things without your knowledge. Along comes a promotion board or MOB and oops, that award or promotion order mysteriously isn't there even though it was there 4 months ago. Luckily, you have a copy of it!
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