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Site Development Specialist
Were you ever stationed at Norton AFB, CA? If you were, were you in the 63rd CES, or hang out with anyone from CE? I am especially interested if you were there in the early to mid 80's, but I enjoy reading about other eras there, also.
I hope to reconnect with some of the folks from Norton, or at least reminisce.
I hope to reconnect with some of the folks from Norton, or at least reminisce.
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Posted 3 y ago
I was stationed at NAFB 86-88 63Aps Ramp/TROKR. I lived in the OMS dorm, and we were always in or causing trouble.
83-87 in what was called Food Service back then. I worked the inflight kitchen, Chevron DFAC and Continental DFAC Hung out with many different people!
Posted 3 y ago
I was stationed at Norton from March 1964 to Nov 1966, at Hq Ballistic Systems Division. I lived in Riverside, so most of my time when not working was over at March AFB. I lived 10 miles from both bases, just in different directions.
MSgt Gilbert Jones
3 y
Prior to going to Norton AFB, I was stationed in Goose Bay Labrador with some friends, we left there around the same time, five went to March AFB, and I went to Norton. They either lived on base or in Riverside. Also, March had a brand new Hospital and Norton only had a clinic. Another reason was the commissary was located right across the street from where I worked, and I could go shopping after work.
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