Posted on Oct 22, 2018
What is a route to join special forces with a degree in computer engineering?
I'm currently one year away from finishing my Computer Engineering degree. I realized through my time here that a desk job is not a job that I would like to pursue. However, I would like to use my degree in the field. I want to join special forces as a combat engineer specializing in electronics/demolition with my degree. Is there a way I can become a warrant officer in special forces with this degree? I originally was going to go through OCS and become a commissioned officer but I ultimately don't want to be stuck behind a desk in my career and would prefer to stay in the special forces team on the field. I was personally thinking MARSOC or Rangers. Does anyone have advice on the route I should take to get to special forces with a Computer Engineering degree?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
To be an officer on a special forces oda you need to reach the rank of CPT and then apply. You can’t come into the Army as a captain. Now if you want to come in as an 18X and hope they assign you as a 18C you can do that but your degree has no bearing on whether or not you get it.
LTC (Join to see)
Isn't it a first lieutenant promotable O-2 (P) to Captain who has already completed the captain's career course?
SFC (Join to see)
Sir, I have heard that before as well but I can’t remember if they need to have completed captains career course of have completed successful command time.
CPT (Join to see)
Yes, as a 1LTP you can go to SFAS or "challenge the REC" in the guard and then go. You'll be promoted during the Q. And no, you wouldn't do CCC before you go, the 18A q course IS your CCC.
I would recommend you join ROTC in college. Get your commission in the active duty or in the National Guard. Become a combat engineer or regular engineer, complete your platoon leaders time and or executive officer of a company or do a staff position. One alternative you may want to do is to join civil Affairs or psychological operations. Both of them are sister units of Special Forces and they work alongside Special Forces. They even work in the same school house. Normally you get into those as a functional area a secondary job )you will have to shift over to the Army Reserve to do that. You could join special forces in the National Guard but if you want to join psychological operations are civil Affairs after being turned down I'm from your special forces application, then switch over to the Army Reserve. Some civil Affairs & psychological operations units are airborne. This way, you can have your cake and eat it too and maintain a civilian job all while pursuing your dream.
United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
Unless you are planning on flying, there is no way to come off the street and come in as a Warrant Officer. Look at the Warrant Officer Recruiting page for more info.
SSG Harry Outcalt
Only exception is through Presidential appointment, although so very rarely used by the CiC.....
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