Posted on Sep 26, 2018
A1C Passenger Service Representative
I just completed my first TDY out at the coast of NC participating in hurricane relief in the aftermath of Florence and my section was tasked with operating the hot ramp at the warehouse in Kinston NC. We had the absolute pleasure of working with many Blackhawk and Chinook ARNG crews that really made an impact on me. A little back story, my dreams have always been to fly, and while I'm working on being able to fly commercially by going to flight school on a somewhat full time basis I still have the insane urge to fly for the military. I joined the NCANG to attempt to fulfill that part of my dream, but due to me not taking school seriously when I was younger, I'll have missed my window of opportunity to apply for an officer/pilot slot within my unit or anywhere else in the ANG. By the time I'll have school requirements in I'll be well over the age restriction. I had never really considered Army Aviation as an option, but after talking to some of the UH-60 crews from the NCARNG my eyes were opened. So I decided to research that path as a way to achieve the other part of my dream of flight and the ability to continue my service. I'm tracking on a lot of the requirements and the only thing I'd need is a valid flight physical. Personally I'd like to see myself through Airman Leadership School before I make any serious moves as well. I'd just like to reach out to the community here and try to learn from any Warrant Officer Aviators on here in the area of branch transfers, the WOCS application or any other kind of info I can get. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope I can get to know some of you and do some serious learning!
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
NC Warrant Officer Recruiter should be able to point you in the right direction.
CW5 Jack Cardwell
CW5 Jack Cardwell
>1 y
Select NC for state.
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SFC S.t. Helms (Ret)
Becoming a NoGo is a completely different world.
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SrA John Monette
sounds like you know what you want. go for it and don't stop until you get there.
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