Posted on Jul 19, 2020
PO3 Jonathan Barnes
Hello all, I need some help with hopefully going into the Army WOFT program. Any information regarding the pipeline, how prior service would help, etc. Would greatly be appreciated. I have 8 years of Naval service with 5 being active and 3 reserve. My official end of contract was March of 2020. Any help?
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Responses: 5
CW2 Medevac Pilot
What do you want to know? Also, are you aware the new ADSO is 10 years?
PO3 Jonathan Barnes
PO3 Jonathan Barnes
4 y
I had no idea it had changed to 10! Thank you for the information.
MAJ John Lavin
MAJ John Lavin
4 y
It’s about time the US Military stopped running flight training schools for the civilian aviation industry. You know, go to flight training in the US Military, learn to fly both visual and instrument rules, get two or three years of experience and then it’s time to go to work for Delta or American or FedEx or USP or any of the other 100 or so airlines that dangle big salary bait in the face of all the military pilots and even worse in the face of all the guys and gals that the military trained to keep the airplanes flyable and mission ready. All the training paid for by the US Tax Payer.

If I could do it, 10 ADSO would be the minimum and each military promotion would incur a 4 year bump in the ADSO with a requirement for 20 years as the very earliest off flight status and out the door allowed for trained pilots and aircraft fixers and maintainers who progress up the promotion ladder past the initial grade.
CW2 Medevac Pilot
CW2 (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ John Lavin
I do not believe the new adso will indeed solve the problem the Army is facing. I could think of a plethora of different approaches that would have a better shot at fixing the issue. For example; duty station stabilization, following the Air Force’s lead on hiring more people to do the additional duties pilots have, and increasing flight pay to become a bit more competitive. I mean why stay in a place where you’re working longer hours, for less pay, doing more work?
MAJ John Lavin
MAJ John Lavin
4 y
I actually liked the extra duty I got. It was actually fun to do something else for a change. I learned how to set up pay offs on slot machines on Okinawa when they made me an assistant club officer. I learned a lot about the law when I came up on Court Martial duty. I was made a security custodian of a bunch of code books and equipment that I didn’t know a thing about or how the stuff worked but I did end up learning about it and why there was so much confidentiality associated with the job, AND why security was so important.

So I think that pilots are a bunch of jerks when they complain about how much administration stuff they have to “put up with” and how many additional duties they have to do. Every time I used to hear them gripping their pretty little heads off I used to tell them to shut up and stop bothering me with their contrived bs. If they just, with just a very little effort, did the stuff and got it done then they would have more time to fly and do the flying they wanted to do.
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CW2 152 E Apache Pilot
Yeah man everyone else already hit the nail on the head. Check out and that will answer 99% of your questions.
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WO1 Student
Sounds like it would be street, a lot of good info can be found on the warrant officer recruiting website
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