Posted on May 12, 2017
'You Going To Goddamned Steam': Trump Rails Against The Navy's New Catapult System
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
It would seem that the good idea fairy didn't think the catapult through completely or didn't test it. As I understand it, the sea trials are the time to work out the bugs. I certainly hope they can figure out a solution to the problem. I imagine the retrofit of a steam catapult would be ugly.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
If the current system is more compact than the old steam pults, I'd say the retrofit would be damned near impossible.
LTC (Join to see)
SSgt Ryan Sylvester - I had the opportunity to tour the Enterprise and the Ronald Regan to look at the difference between a ship where the computer infrastructure was added vs one where it was built in the design. I can only imagine the plumbing that would be involved not to mention the space it would occupy if they retrofitted the steam unit. Maybe Navy ships are like new models of cars, you need to wait a year or two for them to work out the bugs before you buy one.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
One thing I'm sure of, those Navy engineers are actual miracle workers. They'll figure out how to give it more punch. It's a matter of pride now.
You know, if this conversation actually took place in real life. As another popular site here pointed out...
Oh, and please don't get me started on haphazardly slapped-together computer centers. I can't even imagine the nightmare that cable management must have been on the Big E.
You know, if this conversation actually took place in real life. As another popular site here pointed out...
Oh, and please don't get me started on haphazardly slapped-together computer centers. I can't even imagine the nightmare that cable management must have been on the Big E.
LT Brad McInnis
SSgt Ryan Sylvester - I went on a rant above, but I want to add and clarify for your point about engineers being miracle workers. 99.9% of the actual people building and installing stuff are awesome. Their bosses, the designers, and the suits at the yards, are the ones I have problems with. Every time I had an issue with something, I talked ot one of the actual ship-fitters and it was fixed, correctly and quickly!
Humm....Is it just me or does it seem like Task and Purpose is leaning more to the left? We have a brand new aircraft carrier and the thing that makes it go from a fucking huge cruise ship to war ship does not work. So Trump comment makes perfect sense. Get the thing working.
Not sure who the good idea ferry was that put an untested catapult system on this ship, but he should be taken out and shot. Here's an idea. Take the Kitty Hawk out of mothball put the catapult system on it and test it, before putting it on a real working ship.
Not sure who the good idea ferry was that put an untested catapult system on this ship, but he should be taken out and shot. Here's an idea. Take the Kitty Hawk out of mothball put the catapult system on it and test it, before putting it on a real working ship.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGT William Howell Testing? What are you thinking man!!! That is not how procurement works. Sell the line, prototype the line, build the line, install the line, figure it out is useless as man nipples, THEN test and repair (at a huge taxpayer expense due to overruns).
As opposed to shooting the person, I propose attaching the designers to their catapult system, by the reproductive organs, and launching them. See if their nuts fly further than the rest of em. Make it a Pay Per View event to offset the cost of going back to the drawing board.
As opposed to shooting the person, I propose attaching the designers to their catapult system, by the reproductive organs, and launching them. See if their nuts fly further than the rest of em. Make it a Pay Per View event to offset the cost of going back to the drawing board.
The question is - Can the EMALS system launch the aircraft that it was designed to launch?
If not, why hasn't it been fixed? They have had two years to do it.
If not, why hasn't it been fixed? They have had two years to do it.
PO3 (Join to see)
Because yardbirds are hourly, and govt contracts are guaranteed money. Aka they're taking their sweet time and milking as much as they can from Uncle Sam.
SSG Robert Webster
PO3 (Join to see) - I am sure that is the reason why it has been delayed. But that does not answer the critical question - Does it work as designed or not?
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