Posted on Jul 10, 2017
Yes, the CIA Flew U-2 Spy Planes From U.S. Aircraft Carriers
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3

Suspended Profile
*** Note: All of documents below were properly declassified before release to the public ***
U-2A/U-2G were specially modified and reinforced to handle tail hook and crash net landing stresses. The program continued on when the much larger U-2R was introduced in 1967 -- some 40% bigger than the U-2A or U-2G and with twice the range as well as four times the payload -- modifications included adding a wing-folding mechanism to fold the outer six feet of each wing for improved handling aboard ship. From 1973-1974, two U-2R airframes were modified with a forward-looking radar and infrared detection system for use in the ocean surveillance role. These U-2EPX aircraft were able to downlink radar data to surface ships to be melded with information from other land- and space-based sensors. Warmest Regards, Sandy :) [login to see] 15-3.pdf
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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RallyPoint Team LTC Stephen C.
U-2A/U-2G were specially modified and reinforced to handle tail hook and crash net landing stresses. The program continued on when the much larger U-2R was introduced in 1967 -- some 40% bigger than the U-2A or U-2G and with twice the range as well as four times the payload -- modifications included adding a wing-folding mechanism to fold the outer six feet of each wing for improved handling aboard ship. From 1973-1974, two U-2R airframes were modified with a forward-looking radar and infrared detection system for use in the ocean surveillance role. These U-2EPX aircraft were able to downlink radar data to surface ships to be melded with information from other land- and space-based sensors. Warmest Regards, Sandy :) [login to see] 15-3.pdf
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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RallyPoint Team LTC Stephen C.
æPëqè,s"èoýæFk¿ÿ¿þö~EÃYÀ\TdQÁÈ *":.ARS fG2ñ76ÈáY%0ËqlÐ@å1XmV"àx`áäÃzËeÃÈ|42QÃR8.G HÃ,CSÈÀpå[ó Üt"CN ,àpw0Ô%Àð#ð^?2 Ì¡*Ïp0D6ë x(ÞzáÈ7w4"áÑ[(5íS»oý§Áü*mÅýÖÂpÿÜ{{ ÃOÕPtßìïÖî/ú}ûû`ÂkwïøkªOÂÝúÝÿí|*ÝÿÂÝÿÿ]ÒïïT_\-NÿCêÿkþòúÚÿªrhpËôä6ë"9)ú§ïûï¿ñz}ÿëátýßÿ|Ù d6ÃÝj»ïûÃÝ:þ¿ÿápÿ Àæ{9þýïßÝq8QMÿýºýú=õýcAý?ýÐDNUV#ê?ïxCÿWüÈý+éê^jðJ+ÞúßIºé}PëõP@ÿäB8'Zg ãÂâ\/Ç^é:ôk;lϺýiâ+ë}?ê»ëëXIüR_ýÔ/xªéëøS ioªºÒJáBø(ýtwëuø/}t·þðP_ xh7Pðªÿip K}uWý7 xlý|.üIÁ ý&þûÈàöïTêß xgW...
Pretty impressive, but I think the landing (and takeoff) of a c-130 on a carrier still takes the cake.
Totally NUTS! How do you keep this a secret when 5,000 sailors are on an aircraft carrier. That would make a great story in itself!

Suspended Profile
U-2 carrier take offs and landings
Rare footage of U-2 carrier take offs and landings. Quite impressive. To see more footage like this go to :
CMDCM Gene Treants - Shroud the "article" when it is not in use - maintain a minimum watch of essential above decks personnel - tell everyone aboard the "guests" are civilian contractors - paint the bird either all black - or add the ONR logo and a tail number that looks like civilian N-tail number to the bird - and spread a believable story about the new WU-2A being a "high-altitude weather reconnaissance jet" - and for god's sake don't tell anyone that we might be trying to monitor, photograph, and collect air samples on soviet thermonuclear tests conducted a few hundred miles away. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)

Suspended Profile
CMDCM Gene Treants - Relatively rare photo of U-2 / TR-1 aircraft on approach to land. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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Uö})râÕ_ï4YÚ?Ìö6TÑIôvOêY|e«ÃþQòõ6Sù(Ç\ß §Mò-Í)ε*ÅÑv§îG0åNúîJ=ÂÜúø ªÍO/t6ÚµaÊk#$æz?ënDóïäåâ|Í}å¿h:ú=?º$5+åìÿ:mÛVL|Öq-ã%57í«ôâ%xVöNNøú;ß-ñøÆM3Z~!;ß?ÃïbzWµIh§/Î\aÏ«?.'þã¿cÉäTÜýB4AîíFþil»«ïveLÛIEO8ºÔ^KôúPCå¶ÿcgýãn§SNkÙðRWþò;Q$ºÓUÞ»«úg{$ØOEq Är$îkÀ^"j%êö-5'q?õ[Ò {tdÀzâR HjH\¡hV&ìÌÆí $êiÆY\fÑR#yOÒ$ñ@ ç,3IÀ%pF[j&Ø3"á7ÀâpI|ÇR¡ã¡D;, ñµ)á]@ Äw3$À^vOØç^qKH!çJ3K2 Gx8ÈÀLÀypnÉtÐ$¡VÈYACQqFzT Älø0EâQàËiG: ä.Î(é%$,§ÀÌÁY0¿ô1@ ç^[Jp!råµAò¶$Å8Î8Î/]»K`@@ N;òéÒÎñ@... [login to see] .pdf
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
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LTC Stephen C.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
Lockheed SR-71/A Flight Manual, ...... NASA SR-71 Research Manual 1, and 2.
. . . Greetings Guy, Gals; Lockheed Marietta, NASA, DOD, DIA; CIA, NSA, etc, ....... Skunk Works ................ SR-71 flight manual.... [login to see] .pdf
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC Stephen C.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
b8ÍÏÔûòÃü»êóÒ~gBIÂÄ7KϪÄXª+ÊípÿN}Õ}H|nô]é:ÝUäÉóeoKHæXyÖMño}§\yÑËÈrÖ{ª Øè;\ixòbLÕªT«W7yéòTå1^Ç;bìgGRÚÓÞΧQâQÈeG =#[ïíSw} ]/þdz[¿)Ö«D4GEbÑ-å7ÎA=òµ:#w)LT/ôê`V4¿QqKÑÄÔJÚâ|Å_!Ñ:/V5IÛoÈêG/ãE⶷ª1º[ëöRáâQøP ;'èWnßà#î)ãÅ~#+{§«ÀÿÜÛq)Ëû7Tçù~qik%}îùþM%[üÿg»]\}Ê7l[w@ö?-ZÔêñßùô;ýÒÞ|¶`XsUÃæÐ0[Pxìé§ég]èIú~XuìÆÙ þ·\RtwNOt-íYË»XâYXíU$Þ"^äããÊõ8çþÊë]ê]Úó\µì«*íþÝsÿönòkr[ñ-Go\JK5!-æ ÕUêwTªÏLõYkn¶ºÛËúöPñP4Pêóz T!Þ\ÖçÔÖZÔçGE-lHÃTÛà~_ªæ'Sí~TïöæTªÃ\ÔKù5Àj¶z?SDmâS6Imú...
n.b. There are FIVE volumes here!!!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC Stephen C.
n.b. There are FOUR volumes here!!!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC Stephen C.
"Rockets and People, Volume 1"
In Volume 1, Boris Chertok describes his early years as an engineer and the mission to Germany after the end of World War II when the Soviets captured Nazi missile technology and expertise.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
404 - File or directory not found.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
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LTC Stephen C.
Oóå2''Nç4ÍQ¡;*J\t¿þÚï¿H \Ï3|ãâħÐø:ëó2q¡ù)t?ö§Àÿ|ªL\è-P¡*0A*q¡W)4+nÀ|ªÌÒ:bûæQk)-Ø;ü ;õúü endstream endobj 6139 0 obj stream hÞlÁjÃ0DeoM(T+ɪr/Å5v~@ØC dHþk«hæÍÒÖÒ¡,çWD ª(,/å8-µÍFÔ@hEã#é2|ÿATÓ 3âp»èRúEjCHÛ-5.%ZÑ*ôÓáYYÔñrÙ§äÂrÐ.O§0VѪzS(y4*4Fâ3âÏ:»B\}ÇSã¿v]UsÞY}Á¿pÃ0õôþ[þëîê~0 Õdý endstream endobj 6140 0 obj stream hÞlËÂ0DåîlÌÍ"%f#Rö.6.L Äÿ7Xp0ÎaP0h@Iè{vKÚ:¡ÐLë#~yÊÅÚ9PYStTBãNyDËn«i7*åæú«§GarúwÐ-Óü+wJeÓüº¿¶µo NÆ2 endstream endobj 6141 0 obj...
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC Stephen C.
«`ïú-ÙTíLS[YÌCNøn:Áúmæ!òWSc(/mÄ{Ç{OømY''áÑÖñµxð|õßëÖ .Vó4/iÕLðo'Øþ :Âw» endstream endobj 646 0 obj stream HìWÛÇͧô# Ã_ÃR køA1Ñ,µBrÖ$w7úù$§ª{.{+ -|`îêªêSþYxªÄ@W2Ø/Åb'~óoN8?à:lÒº,@&ïJàh¶bþb+ÅV|ßüäTæ df7¶^hå+m!*UÊà+ÃJtÒøxC1l&dÌÿ2ôtAIÝiW.ÔO&ïÊàOUùpúIÄb+ÞN«øëúplëÞ7S&Ë«õòZá=ßÛ/ÄE?ö8bùôÇÅ·bf!]¡ÅâLLN^/vïÛý¶ÛxYïêóåv;ÓåþjÝ,_õðúÒBM»Ù,#FõîLLHT~zoÏ.Sz 7áÍòªà" ÇH·e,ÿLµÍ%H|3]Y«Ëñ~hË=öAùìÜ.E»Ë+ÌCC\ÉvÃëõq%X]h+mßNíþÞÃzóñÜåáPÄÿo!èòlÝf/VíÜ{ÂçÇÊÊj=JK«öº8}MÚkÛnGq...
Blind Man's Bluff - Tommy Cox Slideshow tribute to the U.S. fast attack submarines which recieved the Presidential Unit Citation (PUC) during the Cold War, se...
Clannad - Theme From Harry's Game
Clannad - Theme From Harry's Game met beelden van Land. bron: Jacqueline de Vries-Schuitenmaker en Peter R. de Vries (de misdaadverslaggever) stapten in de u...
CMDCM Gene Treants SCPO (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs
CPT Jack Durish SGM (Join to see)
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LTC Stephen C.
CMDCM Gene Treants SCPO (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC Stephen C.
Inquisitive Angel p1 VTS 01 1
Early CIA U-2 story part 1 Written, Photographed and Narrated by Don Downie and Jim Jarboe
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
CMDCM Gene Treants SCPO (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGM (Join to see)
SFC William H. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
MCPO Roger Collins Capt Tom Brown
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LTC Stephen C.