Posted on Oct 12, 2016
Workers Remove Ten Commandments Monument From Oklahoma Capitol Grounds
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
To all of you preachers that don't read your Bible but like to comment on this subject. Remember Jesus told the disciples to go out into the highways and the hedges and compel them to come. The Ten Commandments was right where it was supposed to be in the public Highway and hedges, wherever the public travel or conduct business the word of God should be there to remind them that they are not their own boss and they are not in charge. Thank God the creator of the universe Isreal and his word outlined how we are to conduct ourselves toward one another and how we are to honor him and his son Jesus Christ. If God touched the hearts of politicians in the past to establish that Ten Commandment monument in that spot then that's where it was supposed to be. I give it 6 months before that place is hit with an earthquake are some natural disaster because they move the Ten Commandments from the public Arena. Jesus did not say going to the private lands and private hedges to compel men to come.
CPT Pedro Meza
LCpl Cody Collins - You realize that you are using a book written by the Roman in the year 360 AD to judge others, when the reality is that God does not discriminate. Love thy Neighbor.
LCpl Cody Collins
Where did you get that from ? The living Word of God has been around before the first human even existed. The Books I read were not written by any Roman. Those Seminary School may read from a New Age Bibles, Not me CPT Pedro Meza -
LCpl Cody Collins
CPT Pedro for a long time I couldn't make heads or tails when you kept saying fraking
I think you mean Fracking ?
I think you mean Fracking ?
The location of the 10 commandments in the vicinity of a Court House, Capitol building could be conceded a hazardous work place / environment...
Think about it ... lawyers and congress critters and the 10 Commandment... not a good combination... some where there is a bunch of lightning bolts being labeled with somebody's' name... but then again look at the level of those morons ordering the !0 Commandments removed...
1st thing... the 1st amendment said "Freedom Of Religion... Not From Religion
second thing ... a key point every one forgets to looks at is the federalist papers ... and the Description of the first amendment and the reason behind it ... was to Keep the Government the hell out of the pulpits... and not the Pulpits out of the Congresses ...
because in colonial America the Church of England ruled the Churches and a direct relation and on orders to the Crown (King) of England and dictated to the Anglican churches what was to be preached... it is not the Episcopal church...
the Morals the ethics religious fundamentals that come from the commandments and the bible ... and other religious teachings have formed the governments since the writing of the Hammurabi's Code: over 4 thousand years ago...
sorry I'm getting punch drunk... its close to bed time... and I spent too much time in the sun. and on the tractor today cleaning Up the effects of "TS Matthew "
I yield the soap box...
Think about it ... lawyers and congress critters and the 10 Commandment... not a good combination... some where there is a bunch of lightning bolts being labeled with somebody's' name... but then again look at the level of those morons ordering the !0 Commandments removed...
1st thing... the 1st amendment said "Freedom Of Religion... Not From Religion
second thing ... a key point every one forgets to looks at is the federalist papers ... and the Description of the first amendment and the reason behind it ... was to Keep the Government the hell out of the pulpits... and not the Pulpits out of the Congresses ...
because in colonial America the Church of England ruled the Churches and a direct relation and on orders to the Crown (King) of England and dictated to the Anglican churches what was to be preached... it is not the Episcopal church...
the Morals the ethics religious fundamentals that come from the commandments and the bible ... and other religious teachings have formed the governments since the writing of the Hammurabi's Code: over 4 thousand years ago...
sorry I'm getting punch drunk... its close to bed time... and I spent too much time in the sun. and on the tractor today cleaning Up the effects of "TS Matthew "
I yield the soap box...
Capt Michael Greene
As free members of a free society in a free country, all of us, even the devoutly religious, may certainly influence the government all they want, and get elected to office, as well.
But don't pretend for a moment that morality, ethics, or good behavior comes from any religion. I am a good man, moral and ethical despite the influence that religion had on me.
Question: Do you believe that you, yourself, would be an immoral, drunken, raping, murderer if it weren't for your religion? Is it really the Bible that keeps you, yourself, from being immoral? Of course not. I've not met you, but you're probably an OK guy, naturally, without the influence of religion.
But don't pretend for a moment that morality, ethics, or good behavior comes from any religion. I am a good man, moral and ethical despite the influence that religion had on me.
Question: Do you believe that you, yourself, would be an immoral, drunken, raping, murderer if it weren't for your religion? Is it really the Bible that keeps you, yourself, from being immoral? Of course not. I've not met you, but you're probably an OK guy, naturally, without the influence of religion.
SPC James Harsh
That is my stance on religion in politics as well, the church used to collect money from legal prostitution for example, there was a rule, a rule that shall not rule over the us or be whatsoever involved. I also agree that freedom of isn't freedom from.
CPT Pedro Meza
SPC James Harsh - First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; The word NO means NO, so yes we are free from religion. As it is the 10 Commandment Monument was put In 2012, Rep. Mike Ritze paid for the installation of a Ten Commandments Monument at the Oklahoma State Capitol’s front lawn. Mr Ritze used the monument as prop for election, this is sad that people don't complain about how they are used by politicians.
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